Temmerian Liaison

Anica is a Temmerian serving in the League of Light who communicates through Maryann, as her “chosen future perfected self”. She acts as a liaison between worlds and cultures, and has brought forward great insights into our current earthly civilization. She’s also introduced representatives of other galactic civilizations in direct communication to us as a global collective. Outside of time, we are as one. Our formal communications in this timeline began in early 2009.
About Anica
In the world you inhabit, you would have a hard time spotting me, because I am human, and because the world I inhabit is phased to a higher frequency than yours presently is. To you, I would appear almost diaphanous, made more of light than matter. Your world is breaking free of that harmonic, however, and is already in the process of re-integrating within the structure of a finer, lighter density. Soon your eyes will register this shift and I might appear more solidly human. Know that is because your address, in a manner of speaking, has changed. The world you inhabit is restructuring itself, and you along with it.
Lyran roots we share, your race and mine. We are human. The time of our reunion fast approaches, as every day your world organizes itself anew. The day soon will dawn when you can deny no longer the truth of a greater reality than the 3-D Earth you know, and we will meet again as family. We are so happy! This is our greatest wish, that you awaken to enjoy the dawn and not sleep through it unaware. We can reach your attention more easily as the morning approaches, and I am of a lineage of writers and wisdom-seekers and teachers, reaching your attention to share the wisdom of Nine.
My name is Anica. My family name is Colinion, which means “Col of Lyra, in knowledge of the ways of the elders high, his family.” I live, most of the time, on a craft traveling the tunnels of space and time, but my home planet circles a sun you would see as part of the Pleiades. My family line has been there since the first settlement from Lyra. There are some twists and turns of time involved, but our families, yours and those of my world, are linked.
This is, in part, a website which I have created. Maryann listened while I “spoke”, diligently transcribing and carrying the energy of what you find in these pages. It is a partnership which we both agreed to work in to bring the wisdom of Nine to the Earth’s global awareness at this point in time. She does the ground work and I unravel the code. We are very much in harmony, and the manifestation of this site has kept us both busy. As a means of communication, the site is designed to serve the most people at the least money and sampling of interference for those who wish to learn more deeply the science and wisdom of Nine than is presented on the core website. For those who wish to, but who cannot see the possibility to pay, as energy exchange and gratitude offering is currently arranged in your world, I say this: To have what you truly desire, ask that it be so. Allow your kind thoughts of gratitude and support draw to you the means of expression. Sincerity, of course, helps. As you study, you will be able to grow more adept at interpolating reality towards perfection in joy. When the heart is sincere, the frequency of materialization conforms to Nine, and in that is understanding made real.
Study materials for navigation of the weave of creation are bound in the book Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, and in articles on the site. These cover the basics of Nine as a fundamental function of being; the understanding of Nine as the essence of consciousness; the application of Nine as the perfecting impulse of love; the integration of Nine into the awareness of the individual and the human psyche’s remembrance of Nine awareness as its natural state. From there, you can more fully appreciate the wisdom in your everyday life and more deeply interact with the divine in all. When the time comes, I will have more detailed information; until then, there is much information already available to ponder.
As the site grows, there will be more to discover. It is our joint intention that this place be one of healing, wisdom, joy and transformation to a finer state of being. This is just the beginning.
My name is Anica. You may, of course, contact me through e-mail — I will ask Maryann to answer them as it is appropriate, publicly, as they pertain to the site. However, I will be giving regular personal updates in the newsletter. Technical questions can be addressed to Maryann, who will answer as best as she is able. For anyone looking for Amanda R. Ryan, look no further. That name is, as you likely know by now, a playful rearrangement of my partner’s name. It does bear mention, though, as “a man to Orion” is what each of you is, as an awakened being in awareness of your history in the cosmos, with one voice addressing the form of Nemesis and saying “I love you.”
You can change any reality, if you know how to. Nine teaches the way of perfection, of love, of peace and power and joy. I will have more to say about this in the coming months as your collective reality unfolds. Knowledge of the science of Nine as the understanding of the nature of love is one way to a future of overwhelming delight. The journey on the path of Nine is just beginning in earnest. But with a twist, and that is that you have a resource of understanding how to navigate it towards the perfection of experience and expression of being, whole, in harmony with the core frequency of divinity, with OM. This is a way of peace, of wisdom, of christedness, of transformation. It is a way of nature, of science, of alchemy, of understanding. It is a way that has been buried in ancient texts and monuments, in DNA and the halls of memory of the collective human psyche. I am with great love and respect to all beings the messenger. I greet you as family. Welcome to the beginning.
A Personal Note
The best part of waiting to finally meet you in person is getting acquainted first. I have a window into your world, as I can read your energetic story and learn about you. So I will tell you about myself and you can learn about me and my people.
I am, like you, human. My work is to serve as an ambassador to your planet. I represent the people who serve on a spacefaring vessel called MMM 5 Life Force Knowledge, or in our language Eho-ka-ta-il. MMM is a designation of the elementary classification of our ship, which is of the diplomatic type. MMM represents the planet of our origin, in league with other planets who recognize a common purpose and intent – sort of a federation, but we call it Arco-ki-il, which translates in English to “League of Light. Ours is one of many ships of our class and purpose. Other types of vessels are in your skies, and just beyond. There are many kinds of planets and people represented in the other vessels, each with a message for the people of Earth.
I, Anica, carry a message to you from the League of Light and of Nine, which is, we are here to bring home our people and to help the keepers of the frequencies of the awakening have their light perfected by sharing the knowledge of the science of Nine. We are here in peace and with great love and respect for all humans. We have waited for a long time to greet you openly. The time of our meeting is near. How that meeting goes is under consideration, as to the final details. It’s all so intriguing, isn’t it? Know that we are ready, and we are waiting only for a few crucial elements to be in place before full contact is initiated.
Now, I will keep a hand near the pen as much as possible in the next several weeks, and write as often as I can and my scribe is able. Keep reading, and stay tuned, because some big changes are coming soon. We will update you as things unfold. As they do unfold, remain secure in the knowledge that each one of you on the planet is loved, and find peace between each other and within yourself.
Au revoir,

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Arco ki il 💚
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