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Renegade Q&A

There’s no doubt the world is changing, more rapidly every day. We’re becoming farther removed from the center point of natural unity, pushed to the edge of what’s considered sane by artificial arbiters of communication and news. What a relief to know the Pleiadians of the League of Light are happy to answer our questions! The Pleiadian Renegades offer a platform for Q&A. As your questions to them find their way to the sounding board, I will present them as they are ready to be received and given response. Stay tuned for more here.

We are the Pleiadian Renegades of the League of Light, with you now and always in friendship and love. We will share more soon. Until then, be strong and in the spirit of love.

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Renegade Q&A: Comments from Taygeta

What About Family Division?

What About Family Division?

Renegade Q&A
Q: Hello Maryann, can you ask what happens when a family member doesn't see the big picture, and is caught up in the false narrative… then gets upset when you try to speak of the truth?  😔 Thank you, T.  A: The next of kin will have much to consider, as the world approaches the [...]
What About the Coronavirus?

What About the Coronavirus?

Renegade Q&A
Q: Hello Maryann, Did you hear any information on the "coronavirus" 😉 best regards, Y. A: Remember the words we shared with you in the temporal markers. We said there would be wide-spread disease and death. It is not the end yet. This outbreak is something for you to pay attention to. How is it [...]
Watch the Videos

Be sure to visit the Nine’s Path YouTube channel for the video library. This includes some that only appear there, in spoken-word format. Some are also on Bitchute and Brighteon, for those who don’t use YT. Explore all there is on the channel; there’s so much to discover, from twice-weekly guidance updates to FAQs, direct voice transmissions, and more.


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If you have a question to ask for the Q&A, you can find various ways to ask… via the comments, contact, Facebook, Twitter, or other avenues linked below. I’ll do my best to post answers here to the most pressing or popular, those with the greatest interest and benefit to the collective.

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Discover Pleiadian wisdom for today's changing world, from the League of Light. Renegade Q&A on Nine's Path: #pleiadian #temmer #cosmicguidance #etwisdom #taygeta Share on X
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