Enter the world from Nine’s point of view.
You are, as a human organism of planetary consciousness, on the edge of a new dawn. Soon light will flood where you have known only shadows. Are you ready for what such illumination will mean for your individual and collective reality?
Understanding the mysteries of divinity starts with the Science of Nine.
Wisdom, Divine Nine, Insight
The Pleiadians and others in service to the League of Light share insights and guidance to a world in transformation. With wit and great wisdom, they prepare us for the time that has come: now.
The messages are waiting for you, alive and perfectly timed for the world’s awakening. The time of transformation is now. Awaken, and discover the mysteries of divine Nine.
1 as being
2 as relation
3 as particulation
4 as apprehension
5 as form
6 as interpretation
7 as belief
8 as wholeness
9 as I AM

Borders between the numbers of creation blow away in the crosswinds of belief.
Order finds a path even where outlines are not. Between order and chaos plays consciousness, aware of itself only as delights the soul.
Right here is the portal to another dimension of understanding what is meant by the divinity of all things, the perfection within everything, and how reality is fashioned by conscious awareness from the seed thought, “I AM.”
The mission of this site is to make available a path for any who fearlessly seek integration with the greater Self, with divinity, with the perfection of being which is Nine’s greatest service. By allowing Nine in the awareness of your reality, you summon forth a reality in which I AM resounds. Discover all that Nine’s Path has to offer. And stay in touch to find what’s new.
Explore Nine’s Path
Science of Nine
The time has come for the science of Nine to be unleashed to the global human consciousness. The world has changed and is changing, despite the efforts of many to convince you that it’s all business as usual. It isn’t, obviously, if you see what is going on around you. More is coming your way soon, and it is only a matter of time until the whole of reality changes utterly. What that change entails remains to be seen.
Get a taste of what the concept of opalescence is, in relation to humanity, divinity, Nine, and global transformation. Here, you’ll find passages from the book Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, just enough to give you a gentle, engaging, and compelling introduction to one of the most vital components to the teachings of Nine… and our future evolvement.
Pleiadian Notebooks
From pendulum to automatic writing, to voice relay, messages about Nine come through in many ways from the supra-astral dimension where the Pleiadian transmissions source. Explore the Pleiadian notebooks to see how they developed and get to know the League of Light through their words and drawings. Here, you’ll find images photographed from the notebooks and early conversations that described the shape and scope of the Science of Nine.
Pleiadian Light Language
My teachers at the time of sharing the vocabulary of this Pleiadian light language were keen on me receiving and recording the frequencies, so I started writing down the words and their meanings in a little notebook. It was tedious work, as at that time I was still using a pendulum and letterboard for accuracy as an adjunct to the telepathic connection. Page through the online dictionary, as it was transmitted originally.
The Creation of Reality

A long time ago, your people were traveling in a cloud of unformed massless stuff, pure potential held together by an agreement to experience the potential of diversity within a sphere called Gaia. Some call it Terra, others call it Urth. Such is the nature of diversity that there is not a commonality of language, but there was, at that point in timelessness, and there is still today, an agreement that you would together experience a unified cosmic moment in this particular construct.
And there was light. And there was land, separated by ocean, and sky separated by nothing more than perspective from a perfectly-formed energetic ball of thought which you inhabited as individuated beingnesses, expressions of I AM, walking along the linear track of time and space beneath the stars you once called home.
Then you allowed forgetfulness to seep in, stories to arise, and so it continued both day and night for eons and eons of enfolded weaves of the strands of creation taking form and movement and volition to achieve what once the unified mass of thought had set out to achieve. What was that? You stand in front of it now: The creation of a world in which you can, as a unified consciousness, live as a single organism of diverse individuated beingnesses in harmonic accord with the resonant strand of I AM.
All the eons upon eons of time from the initial thought to the manifest response have carried you to this point of divine ascendance. It is not a moment in which everything changes, but it is a moment in which your reality takes on a new impetus toward peace, harmony, and fulfillment… if you so intend it to be.