From outside of the known and tangible reality of the “real” world comes knowledge of a high order. Lessons in remembering reconnect the innate sense of being with the timeless outside, and from this, eventually, the remembrance of self. Where you exist is as yet imperfect in what is perceived, but when divine remembrance establishes itself within the awareness, perfection is everywhere known. Within the understanding and experience of Nine is divinity in action and potential, everywhere yet imperceptibly in the state of absolute.
Nine Is Divine
Love Acts
Soothed Soul
Ray of Light
From outside of the known and tangible reality of the “real” world comes knowledge of a high order. Lessons in remembering reconnect the innate sense of being with the timeless outside, and from this, eventually, the remembrance of self. Where you exist is as yet imperfect in what is perceived, but when divine remembrance establishes itself within the awareness, perfection is everywhere known. Within the understanding and experience of Nine is divinity in action and potential, everywhere yet imperceptibly in the state of absolute.
Nine Is Divine
Love Acts
Soothed Soul
Ray of Light
Perfect Harmony
In the aligned state, the heart and mind are balanced around the point of being. Itself absolute, it is inseparate from the fundamental geometry of creation. As absolute, it is one with the mind of the origin of creativity itself. Thus is divinity experienced within the body physical and metaphysical. Remembrance brings everything into alignment.
From within the heart of light that exists in any living thing can be discerned a spark of divinity.
The numbers of creation described in the Science of Nine and more fully in Opalescence culminate in the perfection of Nine. It is the weave of these numbers that subsist within all created form, yet themselves relationships of energy without the animating principle of life. It is Nine that gives the soul’s seat within the physical form, which breathes insight into the mind, that catalyzes knowing, being, and doing in the living energetic created form. In Nine is self-awareness; in perfected self-awareness is knowledge of the divine.
Discover the pathway to divine knowing through Nine’s entry into the basis of understanding. When it comes to perfection, Nine knows the way. You might be surprised by what you discover… and you may be transformed.
Knowing divinity is beyond belief. In fact, it is the structures of belief that can and often do obstruct the view to the full light of divinity. Throughout the teachings and random wanderings through the pages of Nine’s Path are creative, practical, and deeply intuitive insights into dismantling your inner belief structures that no longer serve you, those you may be blind to, those which have fallen into habitual disuse. You are uniquely situated to understand yourself, without the need for layers of engineering to convolute your path. As the world opens to a transformation in global consciousness, what is not needed will naturally fall away. Those things that remain are truth, faith, and love sourcing from and returning to the heart of divinity.
Beyond belief, you are free to explore the fields of divine creative mind. Put dots together. Exercise your heart. As a divinely sparked being, you are ever connected with the light that forms all, informs all, performs all. Be still with that and know.
Holographically, the universe itself is contained within you. Outside of you, you see reflected what is inside the creative receptacle of mind. A shift in perspective will show you this to be true, if you are open to recognizing patterns and challenging your sensibilities shaped by social constrictions. It is your natural state to be in awareness of the holographic resonance that echoes through you.
Because you are part of a continuum, interdimensionally and multiphasically, you need only shift your awareness to experience any aspect of reality. Recognize that it is of light, and even the darker realms are open for exploration without getting lost. Remembrance is the way home, always. Even from where you are now.
It is only natural to seek, to explore, and to return. Your breath does this, your soul, too. Home is both within and unknown, knowable and remembered. Look no further than the space within yourself to launch your journeys, and see where you land.
Nothing more than integration with the seed of beingness does love seek. It is the sacred journey from the point of awareness that the soul embarks upon, in search of love’s secrets, filling and thrilling the universal construct of life and mind with its search. Upon discovering love, the soul broadcasts to source its find. Thus is love magnified.
The weave of the numbers of creation that forms the fabric and field of reality are the substance of love’s fundamental tendency. All frequencies find their harmonic rest within the geometry that cradles the essence of love. Even the most discordant of intentions, the most turbulent of states will dissolve through the limits of entropy into What Is. This is Love. Love is the eventuality of All, and the origin. As it is, Love is inescapable. Thus, it is the foundation for understanding the divine. Nine perfects the experience Love lays out.
Click to explore Pleiadian insights from Nine and the League of Light
Explore divinity in all shapes, sizes, luminosities, and forms. Divine Being, Angelic and Otherwise opens a new door into the League of Light’s extensive connections within the universal continuum of teachers, guides, and heritage. Visit the page for revelations and remembrances. You’ll find a window into a growing collection of images of divine beings both contemporary and primordial.
This is a new direction for Nine’s Path, one that’s been developing behind the scenes for some time now. It’s designed to help us find the code, the completion and flowering of our internal frequency modulation.
“So we have always been and so we shall remain, as dutiful servants of OM.” Thus a new message collection inaugurates a conversation celestial in nature, bridging the realms from Earth to heaven as the League of Light introduces their angelic counterparts.
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image Metatron’s Cube, Jared Tarbell Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)