by Veronica
At such a pivotal moment I have come across such important information. Upon waking up this morning, I had the sudden urge to look through one of my old dream journals. I came across a channeled message from the first time I came in contact with the energy, Num’Shala, back in August of 2017.
Message from Num’Shala:
“I am Num’Shala. I am from within; deeper than your heart can fathom. My quest is not for your knowledge at this time. It is not the time indeed! You subconsciously have cleared your mind. You need to practice that and continue to refocus.
The time is almost at hand when WE will show ourselves. The beautiful chaos will bring us to be known. Embrace this time and listen to your heart. The ears are merely a tool for the material world, but the heart is a gift from the most high. Remain focused among the chaos as it will be over soon enough.
Many changes are ahead of us so hold steadily. I will come back to inform you properly at a time when you will understand. I am not one but MANY! Your fear is merely a block between us. Be very still so you can hear me. Trust your instincts! Focus dear!
Many eyes will be opened. They will be opened much wider than many would like. We are here to redirect your paths. I will be back at another moment. Until then, continue on increasing heightened concentration.
Present through lifetimes of love,
It is clear that now is the time when these messages are appropriate and well understood. I pray that this message will guide all of those who read it. That they may be guided by the Divine love and help from our Ascended Masters. May you be filled with much Hope and the gift of understanding the process within.

I am welcoming with open arms this new chapter in my life. My name is Veronica and I’m a wife and mother of two. Some may know me as a dental assistant, where others may not know that side of me connected to the spiritual world. Ever since I could remember, my want for spiritual knowledge has never seemed to cease. Through Dream State, I have found and hold as Truth, that all questions will be answered as we shed a different part of our “old self”, and begin to remember again. As the years progressed, my dreams became much stronger, more vivid and in depth. In 2013, I was shaken by an experience that would leave me three years wondering, “What does this all mean?” I am now questioning a whole new world. “What is Nine and how can one get there?” This experience led me to Maryann’s book, Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, where she would answer a question that had me perplexed, in just a few weeks. A weight has been lifted and now it seems like the doors have been opened. Understanding had to be reached before any advancements would be made. I now have this amazing and humbling opportunity to share my messages and understanding of Nine alongside one of my favorite authors, and you.