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New Meditation on Bends of Light

There’s a quick and highly effective new meditation download posted on Bends of Light.

Just like the Release the Program meditation tool came into my awareness unexpectedly, delightfully, another meditation tool showed up a couple of nights ago. This one is short and sweet, and relies on the divine mechanics of the body to do its thing.

See the original post here: “Your Body Knows”

The method is merely to mindfully make these statements:

My body is healing. I move out of the way.

My physical body is healing. I step aside.
My emotional body is healing. I observe quietly.
My mental body is healing. I don’t think about it.
My spiritual body is healing. I trust and wait.
My temporal body is healing. I know my self is coming together.

My body is healing. I move out of the way. It knows what it’s doing.

You’ll find an explanation and my thoughts on this at this post on the Bends of Light blog. As always, your comments and shares are welcome on the FB group and Telegram chat!

A new meditation tool came into my awareness unexpectedly, delightfully: short and sweet, it relies on the divine mechanics of the body to do its thing. #ninespath #leagueoflight #healingmeditation Share on X

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