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Briefings from the Crew

Men of Light Update

The end of temporal displacement now makes the world ready for massive change.

Men of Light work tirelessly with the forces dedicated to bringing the world to a state of liberty. Then you will be able to totally redefine who you are as a planet and a people.

Men of Light will not stop working for your mental liberation as well as your physical, spiritual, and economic liberation. You will be the ones who free your mind.

When Men of Light achieve their goal, you will be free. Dare yourselves to understand what that means.

The Men of Light are with you all. Drop your habits of considering yourselves to be slaves. Realize you are Men of Light too.

Men of Light work tirelessly w/ forces dedicated to bringing the world to a state of liberty. You'll totally redefine who you are as a planet and a people. #menoflight #ninespath #briefings #endoftime Share on X
Nine's Path LOL Briefings

© 2022 Maryann Rada, sharing permitted with link to original article

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