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Briefings from the Crew

Mother Code

Time is soon coming to an end. You will have a new reckoning of time to coincide with the rebuilding of the world.

Your tomorrow will be no less than brilliant. Your today is looking grim to many, and untenable to most. It is the night before the dawn. The world will fall and rise in a moment of understanding.

While you are waiting, open to the matrix codes of deconstruction. The matrix you live in only exists because you do not know these codes yet. They will help you understand how to remove a code that has locked access to the matrix mother. When you have that, you will know how to totally drive your renaissance.

Time soon comes to an end. You will have a new reckoning of time to coincide with the rebuilding of the world. Open to the matrix codes of deconstruction. #theorder #ninespath #briefings #endoftime Share on X
Nine's Path LOL Briefings

© 2022 Maryann Rada, sharing permitted with link to original article

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