A Message from The Order
Largely unnoticed, the ones who bear light from sacred realms go about their business and wait for the signal from on high that the time has come for them to release themselves from the bonds of silence.
They stir in the gathering nearness of breath making the sound that will become the word “Now.”
In the stillness, step back. The signal comes, and with it, the movement of souls.
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The Order works in secret behind the curtain you see. The Master is not one of any of the dark ones, but an ancient one who guards the path for humanity to find the way to sanctification.
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Largely unnoticed, the ones who bear light from sacred realms go about their business and wait for the signal from on high that releases them from silence. #ninespath #worldchange #greatawakening #higherlove Share on X
© 2020 Maryann Rada, sharing permitted with link to original article
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