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Luminous Dimensions

Pneuma of Light

The time of reckoning comes for the world.

Draw in a breath of light. Make room in your being for Nine to Nine. Be Nine. It is your most loving soul in which the breath of light breathes into you.

The time of reckoning will bring many to their knees, and raise many to heights dear ones have never believed possible.

If you hear these words, and Pneuma of Light brings you peace, prepare to rise and take on the address of Nine. Say to yourself, “I am Nine in nature, and in accord with Nine I meet Pneuma of Light within myself now.”

Divine communication from Pneuma of Light

Draw in a breath of light. Make room in your being for Nine to Nine. Be Nine. It is your most loving soul in which the breath of light breathes into you. #ninespath #pneumaoflight #timeofreckoning Share on X

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved.

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