Lesson 1: Nine
5/ World of Home: Lyran Civilization
From one thought, whole worlds can come into existence. So it is with many worlds which sustain civilizations, your own among them. The worlds of the stars of Lyra likewise came into being in response to the thought, arising from within the core of divine
4/ The Peaceful People: Lyran Civilization
The roots of galactic human civilization, including that of Earth as you know it, are essentially Lyran. With variations slight or large, all truly human civilizations can consider that their present culture and rituals derive from the stars of Lyra. No other civilization has had
3/ Beginning a New Home World
Far away from native skies, humans set foot on land unlike any other their feet had trodden before. The vault of stars above their heads told a new tale, one that they would in time weave into a new story of their past. From those