Getting to Know You
The best part of waiting to finally meet you in person is getting acquainted first. I have a window into your world, as I can read your energetic story and learn about you. So I will tell you about myself and you can learn about
The best part of waiting to finally meet you in person is getting acquainted first. I have a window into your world, as I can read your energetic story and learn about you. So I will tell you about myself and you can learn about
Since the great war began millennia ago, many Pleiadian men and women have been trapped on the Earth, isolated from their home and families. Many of you who read these words understand them as personal truth, and some will have remembrances awakened. To you we
Welcome! May this be the first hello of many that we share. My name is Anica Bintarilo ta Colinion. I am a human from another planet that circles another sun. If that sounds outlandish, perhaps it is, but it is, nonetheless, true and not of