Be free in the way you hold your thoughts about the world and the way it will become what it is to be. The processes that are underway are being monitored by interstellar beings whose soul purpose is to facilitate the self-sustaining transformation of worlds. The planet you inhabit is undergoing changes to the inner framework of sentient reflexive understanding of itself as a planetary being. What this means is that planets are self-aware to varying degrees, as are humans, and Earth is coming into an enhanced level of understanding of itself. This requires review of experience and dispensing with extraneous data. What is left after clearing planetary memory forms the basis from which the new understanding of itself can build anew.
When the force of change is part of your waking reality, it will fill the space of life being lived as wind fills the sail of a ship. You can watch the sails flutter and spin, or you can learn the wind’s secrets and adjust the sails in response to its movements. Know that it is far better, for you and for the fleet of ships that comprises the whole of humanity, to raise the sails to catch the winds rather than sit and talk about things while the winds pass. A single moment can change everything; if you pay attention, you can ride the wind to a new sea.
The planet you inhabit is undergoing changes to the inner framework of sentient reflexive understanding of itself as a planetary being. #dimensionalshift #ninespath Share on XMany of your probable realities present themselves now. What happens is as much dependent on what each individual chooses as the big movements of states and nations. The leaders of your world’s government each has a role to play in how the present period in history plays out. However, you as citizens of the world are not without power, nor are you present at this time merely to concede that power as the big players make their moves with nary a thought to your true welfare.
You are here, now, to bring to a point of culmination what your soul has been perfecting over lifetimes; you carry within your soul memory the codes that can bring your entire race into equilibrium with planetary movements toward experiencing total change. Such a shift happens as an externalization of what is put into momentum interiorly, by the individual alone. Each one attracts itself to other ones, and soon individual change becomes an externalized, plural experience, on and on, the many becoming one, which then becomes the many coalescing into integrated wholeness, and so on.
Where will it lead to? There are many who present stories that contradict the “truths” that have been given to you. Listen to them and let your innate intelligence separate the eventual truth from the stories you have been taught to believe. Now is the time to challenge history with a clear head and open heart. You have no reason to believe in the future you’re being prepared to accept as inevitable if it is merely an extension of a sequence of carefully crafted lies. What you have, instead, is the reality you long have expected, yourselves, when you look through the eyes of your soul. While as individuals your expectations vary from one person to the next, from the levels of soul, what you experience in the world is precisely what your soul-level self has decided to have the experience of. Even what you perceive as mistakes, even what you feel as pain or fear or anger—these are all things you and your soul-level self have chosen to experience. While this may not be a very welcome bit of news for those who are experiencing such things now, the world will show a golden rainbow after the storm of tribulation ends.
For now, dear human family of Earth’s time and place, we ask to have only a tiny portion of thought where it may be put to best effect, and that, for a moment, is in considering that everything you need to know is indeed accessible to you when every perception is cleared from the distorting effects of belief. The lens which focuses the light of mental clarity is one which only has the property of unadorned truth. Even to have the intent to let go of belief is associated with the belief that something has the power to hold you. Only when you know can you be without belief. Only then will you truly be free.
You are not here to concede power. You are here, now, to bring to a point of culmination what your soul has been perfecting over lifetimes. #dimensionalshift #ninespath Share on X The intent to let go of belief is associated with the belief that something has power to hold you. Only when you know can you be without belief & truly free. #dimensionalshift #ninespath Share on X© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.
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“Many of your probable realities present themselves now. What happens is as much dependent on what each individual chooses as the big movements of states and nations.”
In regards to the quote above from this message, about 30 minutes ago I read the latest Cassiopaea channelled message by Laura Knight-Jadczyk. (,40010.0.html) It starts off mentioning something similar about timelines and realities, but from a bit of more personal perspective directly relating to Laura. I thought it was interesting that similar information came through in this message above though.
This is a great message and I loved it. Thanks Theo and Maryann. =)
About to be re-posted on
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Yes, that’s interesting! This message started coming through in late September, in bits and pieces, and just finished mid-November. An odd way for one to be written, but that’s how this one worked. Strange in light of world events that punctuated that period of time. Thanks for re-posting!
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These recent writings are affirming the messages I have been receiving all my life. It is exciting to see it all finally materilizing. I have been in my place for over 20 years preparing for this time. Love and Peace to you all.
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