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Luminous Dimensions

Choose to Do the Light Thing

Denial costs much. Those who choose to remain in denial will pay dearly for their choice. This is the word of OM.

If ignorance is bliss, then discovery can be just as blissful for those who choose to go towards light. Nemesis waits in the dark to hurl awakening messages at those who enter the endless night of ignorance. She will not stop until everyone who has entered the sleep of denial has found the way back to the Nine-ordered path that leads to knowledge of OM. It is the right of every human being to choose whether to remain in denial of truth or to move toward truth’s beckoning light.

We of the League of Light urge you to come to your senses as a planetary humanity to recognize Nemesis as the one who brings your awareness to the shadow you cast by standing in the way of your own divine nature.

The time for choosing a way for your prayers to be decoded is short. Many have chosen to formulate their mode of OM-centeredness by relying on a framework that does not include Nemesis as a force working for your soul’s own essential awareness. Nemesis is not to be worshiped, but to be respected as a force of nature, under the higher orders of divine intellect.

Just as the mode of your prayers is the recommencing of remembrance, so too is your choice to decode your own inner understanding of light and love. Begin a choice with the prayer that you remember who you are within the all that OM is.

A message from the League of Light

We urge you to recognize Nemesis as the one who brings your awareness to the shadow you cast by standing in the way of your own divine nature. #ninespath #leagueoflight #reality Share on X

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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