Sitting still in the light of self-awareness, you are able to reach into a tunnel that stretches from far across the universal expanse to you where you are in this now. Every time you focus your awareness within, you have access to that passageway, and it’s only a few short steps to get to the place where all such passages meet. The nexus of divine experience is available to all who seek it, and by paths convoluted with the ruts of belief or as pure as knowing, all eventually lead to the inner nexus of am-ness.
Thus it is that we begin our discussion with you today. Be aware of the space within you as you contemplate our words, and know that we are as near as a breath, should you wish to engage a somewhat more energetic connection as we share our message with you.
No matter what you are expecting to meet at the other end of the tunnel, it is very likely that you will be surprised. Divinity is like that. Yet, you already know in your bones what divinity is, so what waits to surprise you is really just a game of you taking off the blindfold you put on yourself, and saying “Aha!” in mock triumph. The truth is, you already have the truth of divinity hard-wired in your system. The rediscovery of it, however, is something new, and this is what gives every one of you who seeks to reconnect with the divine something to offer to life and love. Your understanding of yourself as a divine human is the reward you give yourself, yet the surprise is built in to the moment of remembrance. This, indeed, is what you came to this plane to experience, more than anything else you have undertaken thus far.
In that moment where separate individuations of humanity venture into the inner corridors of remembrance, inevitability begins to coalesce. There is no avoiding what has already begun to form, when the intention from a pure heart is launched toward divinity. More so, when the intention is shared within a group, and pure hearts together create a force generator aimed at the heart of understanding, peace, transformation. There is such great power in the gathering of souls than one alone, when the one alone is transmutationally active. One alone is divine, yes, and the individual human is capable of bending reality to a great degree. The synergy of two can be likened to the opening of a star, and three and beyond is bigger yet. The inherent divinity in each is amplified in love. In love, nothing is impossible for long. In the instant the transmission of thought and love become organically coherent in unified intent, the beingness of what is is altered completely. You have that much potential, that much power, that much in the palm of your hand.
Let us speak of miracles. You are in the midst of one, if you give yourself to the moment unfolding in the heart of the planetary body. In the shadow of fear, in the long backward look at regret’s legacy, in the face of a soulless machinery of destruction, degradation, and corrupt bureaucracy, the truth is spinning in the silent zero-point of transformational physics, and great light is burgeoning forth through the tears in the fabric of reality as it is given to you to believe in. Hear this and know that you are in a time of transformation now, and know that all that you see is about to be rent asunder…. torn, as it were, from the sky to the earth that reality may reveal itself in the between. What is simply entering into its fullness of being is in the fact of the matter a new world, and thus so are you becoming new people. Behold the miracle of birth, the truth of a great injustice set to rights, and interference lifted from the soundtrack of life on Earth.
Let us speak also of a time of turmoil and chaos, a nexus of temporal inevitability that has been brought into being by long ages of secret machinations and overt manipulation, and choices made devoid of a knowledge of the divine within the human. These things are coming into the light now more than ever, and the end of days is upon those who have set into motion the things that have not yet found their final fulfillment. The ones who chose are facing the fruits of their merit, and those who have been placed within the scene as an act of self-sacrifice, who have chosen their way into the unfolding drama for whatever reason sanctified to their inner knowing, for their own part, each is finding the answers to questions carried through lifetimes to now.
Where miracles are what is called the natural power of divine human creativity, and turmoil is what is called the result of a series of infelicitous choices, there meet the future and the past of humankind. In that moment when miracles are commonplace and what threatened to deal the qualifying blow in a tournament of evil against weary bones makes its hasty retreat into the shadows from whence it came, the past takes the pivotal step into a moment in which the present can no longer be held at arm’s length. In that moment, the past meets the future, the slave becomes sovereign, the taskmaster becomes the student, and the whole world is turned upside-down. What results is a new reality for all to ditch the illusion, and to enter into in full awareness, within and without.
What is going to happen in the reality that you face together is yet to be seen. Nothing like what is happening on Earth now has been witnessed before, with all the filaments of life interweaving in such a specific way. You just entered into the depths of the time of transformation. What happens from here on in will reveal much about the truth of who you are. You must be ready to encounter yourselves without the definitions you have long carried, if you are to fully enter into the future as your new now. Where have you come from, that the next phase of your remembrance sounds so full of power and light? Let’s visit that for a moment, that you access the foundation of divine humanity from which you are sprung, and which you are now reclaiming. It may, perhaps, help dust away the cobwebs of forgetfulness so craftily entrained into your organismal consciousness.
Humanity is so far removed from monkeys that you have been taught are your ancestors, yet you see your reflection in them as proof that you are worthy of the degraded civilization that you watch destroying itself around you. You are not monkeys, yet there is a belief that you are no more than the mutational offshoot of some primate, a social ape, an interesting descendant of evolutionary chance. You have not the simian root that the evolutionary media is trying to say is true, nor are you an accident of nature, nor are you the sole creation of a single eneolithic deity formed to sieg heil at the sun. While worship is sometimes of comfort and safety, the feelings are a trap for the greater part of you, the essential part of you, that knows its origin and seeks reunification with the self of all. What you are is far, far greater than what you seek in worship, and the truth is as near to you as what is within you. There is more in common between you and starlight than there is between you and any other creature, when it comes to the wholeness of you, what animates you, what the true light is that you carry.
Let this be understood: The time is upon the earth for transformation. It will be utter and complete, no more so for the reality that you see than for the reality that you know within the individualities that you are. As a whole, humanity is changing, and in each holographic unit that each one of you represents, the change will be brought into fullness as you are brought into alignment with truth. What has been brought into the light that breaks now on your world will shatter all lies. Illusion shimmers into true polarity, revealing shadow, providing the mind with salient understanding, removing the blinders from the full view of what your history, your future, and your power truly are.
Suddenly, there is silence. Every mind will know. For a moment, questions will cease, and what has been hidden will be seen for what it is.
This message sponsored by Eleutherios.
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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Asking a personal question for a reading was one of the best things I have ever done; they are life-changing. Sponsoring a ‘global’ question [I sponsored this question] something beyond happens; no words but something Magical beyond happens. Perhaps it relates to that when one does such we step into that group process the LOL mentions in this sponsored reading: you become part of the process of global transformation, the Birthing happening all around us.. Maryann mentions “The LOL are very excited about this new conversation that’s happening directly between them and us” It is exciting.