Have you learned, having walked over the waves of change, how to gaze steadily into the still pool of your heart and see divinity reflected there? You have, you have risen, and your feet are now dry. Finished are you with slogging through the mire, washed are you with the baptismal flow from the earth’s sacred depths. You have tuned in, and now you are ready to hold a little higher that precious gift of self that you have ushered through this timestream of living. Perhaps not so long ago, you found yourself in a similar position, yet on looking from the perspective you find yourself in now, you see that you had merely been priming, perhaps for the last time, that autocombustion engine set to take you higher. If you were to see that one who, just a few weeks ago was determined to arrive, can you recognize the difference within the selfsame being? You are much changed, even if it seems like nothing has happened. In that simple fact, can you also see that everything is different?
Flanked by angels, you come now to your appointed moment. For all the scrying, crying, and sighing that have characterized the path here, the simple truth is that you have walked the way of the knower of self. In this moment, all your misgivings can melt away into the sacred waters of universal mind, the great sea of consciousness, to be drawn into those mysterious depths where their secrets can spill into the very heart of God. You have no need for anything that marks your previous states of being, other than to acknowledge your purely perfect imperfections. Whatever you have experienced that has contributed to your life’s story, count it as a point of awareness. Even the darkest shadows, bathed in light, fall pure and stainless before the eyes that carry love. Look, then, with love upon those relics of time, and let them fall into the depths. All that you need is what sacred trust you bear, and the acknowledgment that your way is yet kept under celestial guard. The turmoil has receded.
The separation that has begun to show as a rift in your reality carries with it a message of import. Pay attention to admonitions that arise from the familiar inner voice, wherein you counsel yourself with the authority of a messenger of divine intelligence. Awareness that walls are falling need not distract your focus one bit. In fact, you may find, to your comfort, that cracks in the surrounding reality allow in more of an ever-present backdrop fully lit with a network of stars pulsing together the living light of awakening into being. Naturally, strands of energetic material that served as the substance of your encapsulation will gather, cluster, and gracefully fall away. More light thus emerges in reflection on self. In quiescence and power, remain in poised readiness, a space out of time, a time untouched by anything that has gone before. There you find yourself now. Settle. Let awareness rise. The tide of time will bring disparate points of awareness and form together. As the shell breaks, the new being organizes spontaneously, yet in accord with primordial intent.
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