Take a Last Look at the State of the World
a message from Borgareil of the League of Light Where you see trouble brewing, recognize the hand of God at work. Be well aware that more of the story will be revealed by observing than by blinding yourselves by misguided, if well-meaning, assumptions. Everything is

Prepare for It: Ganymede Is Broken (video)
from Korgeil of the League of Light In this video edition of a League of Light transmission, which originally came through in written form, I used images of people looking out of windows, opening curtains, gazing beyond the edges of their current reality. This, I

Prepare for It: Ganymede Is Broken
from Korgeil of the League of Light Do League of Light end the suffering of humanity? Will they arrive in their fleets to stop the divisiveness and bring peace and joy to the world? Quite simply, it starts soon. It has already begun. Many of

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