Personal Message

Homeward and Upward: Video
Perfectly poised for right now, a higher perspective for navigating this moment of transformation. We’re in it, and can get through it, if we focus on the most basic of human strengths… love. © Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to

Homeward and Upward
The dimensional shift that has been developing is in process now. You have only a short time until the underpinnings of the world you know come apart enough that you will be unable to deny that the change is real and total. The next week

Never a Time for Making Believe: Video
Long ago gets lost in the blur of highly organized lies that pass for history. The time has come for humanity to get back on board with the truth of who we are and for that, it is vital to know beyond belief. Theo, a

The Time of Your Great New Beginning Is Now
To say that you are without help in this time of change is to deny the truth of our existence. We of the lighted realms of life have far more to do in your world than to sit at the sideline and cheer you on

Giving Your Past a Look and Saying Goodbye
A video message directly from Rachelle: Where has humanity taken themselves, in a journey through time and space shaped largely by hands that to this day remain hidden? We are the builders of our reality, and have the authority to create edifices of thought that

To Get to the Core Message of the Time, Dig: Transcript
from Rachelle of the League of Light, a transcript We are with you now, and I speak to you under the auspices of the League of Light. My name is Rachelle and I am of the Pleiadian origin of the star Taygeta, and my planetary

Justice Comes to Rest Within
from the Isis Soul Collective Dear people of a changing Earth, we of the soul collective of Isis have been watching with great interest the dramas that have been performed upon the matrix-screen of your reality. We have seen behind the screen into the secret

The Underworld Has Come to Be Here
from the Isis Soul Collective We come again to speak with you about the underworld of transformation you are going through now. We are the collective soul voice of the one you know as Isis. She is in the matrix of your world and the