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New Day Dawning: 9-9-9 and Your New Reality: Video

Never a Time for Making Believe: Video
Long ago gets lost in the blur of highly organized lies that pass for history. The time has come for humanity to get back on board with the truth of who we are and for that, it is vital to know beyond belief. Theo, a

Help Is Hope in the Heart of All
Help is something that hope is built from. The last thing that takes form in the mind of someone who is in need of help is hope, and the first thing that comes to mind when hope is thought of is help received though yet

Make a Wish and Greet the Change
If the world had one wish, what would it be? Take a moment and savor the question. It is not necessary for us to repeat it, but you may wish to mull it over a bit. Meanwhile, we will open the bag of interesting trinkets

A Time for Parting
Far away in the shrouded mists of time, you have heard, was a land of beauty and serenity, of joy and free living. You have not yet regained full access to the memory of this land or this time, but you do have the impression

Fear Is Only One Option: Choose Well, Human
Have you ever thought that the job you were doing was nothing like what you thought it would be like, before you started? Often that is the case. You are enthusiastic about getting the go-ahead to start making your own impression on the world through

Mysteries of Origin
Long ago in the history of Earth, there came a time of great upheaval and discord among the nations. Your books and papers dance around the subject, and all talk on the matter is relegated to the periphery of religions and speculation. Have you ever

New Day Dawning: 9-9-9 and Your New Reality
Near the center of your soul is a point of light, and in the center of that point of light is a portal to OM. You are always in possession of the key to open that portal, yet in the game of forgetfulness that you