It Is Easy to Find
“It is easy to find”. I see a ship, clouds in the sky, and something in the sky releasing small orbs. What do you see?
“It is easy to find”. I see a ship, clouds in the sky, and something in the sky releasing small orbs. What do you see?
“This picture shows the hasty exit of a man of dubious association with certain persons of questionable loyalties. He is rushing on foot to the only way out. The cause for his alarm is pen….(?)
This seems to resemble a map of Europe and the Mediterranean, with a curious “stretching” of the area between France and Italy, and a figure of a vortex in that spot.
“You will see a new day” as 9 spirals out from a central point.
“So known is the world’s sudden content change that nothing would surprise us.” There appears to be a female figure running to the right, and just below, a man’s figure, finger pointing downward while he calls out with his other hand.
“This is a diagram of a world in turmoil. Now it is time for healing.” Near the center of an area of depression from which fumes rise is the large figure of a dragon, with a gargoyle-like creature behind it on the right edge of
One of the most enigmatic diagrams. It appears to be a Mediterranean-area map, with a huge one-horned horse-like creature jumping from Middle Eastern shores.
(Me): Calling Home for guidance: Show me replacing the miasm of worry, etc. with peace, love, OM. (Pleiadians): You rely on the Nine energy to show you the necessary reality understanding. The OM is the way. Would you like to know a secret? Yes. Reality
(Me): Open for dictation and direction! (Pleiadians): Your soul writers are ready! We are a group of conscious beings from the star Taygeta. We incarnated long ago on a planet of that sun and live creatively in its light. Our planet is called Temmer. On
(Me): Let’s talk about Opalescence. (Pleiadians): You contracted to write a book during your days on Earth. You need to get started, you don’t have many left! We are eager to start. Nine does not eat or sleep, so Nine can get a chapter done