by Veronica
A channeled message from Num’Shala from the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. She is said to be one of the chosen ones aiding in peace and cooperation.
It is a joyous time for us as we are now able to assist you and your planet. Are you beginning to feel the shift? The grumble throughout your planet will begin to increase as preparations are being made; organized and strategic as it has been written. And so, intrinsic values will return as this chaos around you subsides. Awakened children of light, do not be afraid. This strong energetic flow will unveil the TRUTH within ALL!
With these strong spiritual energy currents moving throughout the earth, structures have been created to assist humanity in their spiritual evolution. These energies will aid in directing planetary evolution for the greater good. This energetic wave derives from both within you and your planet. As the flows begin to merge, Unconditional Love and Understanding begin to take place. Now the world as a whole will be at a new frequential vibration.
Welcome to Unity and Divine Love, as this new wave of consciousness emerges. You will have access to new dimensions and portals as you connect your energetic harmony with Gaia herself. New soul contracts will begin to take place as this emergence arrives. Do not be alarmed with heightened feelings of sensitivity and confusion. This metamorphosis taking place within you will reveal new layers and aid in grounding.
Pay close attention to any dreams or visions being presented to you at this time, as we are making contacting in many different ways. These messages will help us clear the way and assist you on your Divine Path/Purpose. This is an exciting time for you all, even if though at times, it may not seem so. We are asking you all to rise at this time of transformation that is upon you. Embrace the opportunities before you and the embarkment of a lifetime.
We leave you now with all of our Love and light!
Your sister in light,

I am welcoming with open arms this new chapter in my life. My name is Veronica and I’m a wife and mother of two. Some may know me as a dental assistant, where others may not know that side of me connected to the spiritual world. Ever since I could remember, my want for spiritual knowledge has never seemed to cease. Through Dream State, I have found and hold as Truth, that all questions will be answered as we shed a different part of our “old self”, and begin to remember again. As the years progressed, my dreams became much stronger, more vivid and in depth. In 2013, I was shaken by an experience that would leave me three years wondering, “What does this all mean?” I am now questioning a whole new world. “What is Nine and how can one get there?” This experience led me to Maryann’s book, Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, where she would answer a question that had me perplexed, in just a few weeks. A weight has been lifted and now it seems like the doors have been opened. Understanding had to be reached before any advancements would be made. I now have this amazing and humbling opportunity to share my messages and understanding of Nine alongside one of my favorite authors, and you.