by Karla
The origins of hypersensitivity
How many people in this world identify themselves as empaths? In one way or another every single individual holds the capacity to be an empath, independently of their set of beliefs, soul age, the way in which they exert their spirituality, or in which way they are connected to the material reality.
Throughout the course of our life and from the perspective of soul growth (lifetimes), it is unavoidable to go through the process of soul fragmentation as a result of traumatic experiences. As children, we are energetically, mentally and emotionally like a sponge that absorbs knowledge in the form of experiences. Our early experiences determine in much how we assimilate our lessons as adults. A child that develops within the womb of the mother already begins to absorb the vibrations of the immediate environment in which the mother lives.
From the day we are born, we start receiving input and developing imprints in all the layers of our being, including the subtly traumatic ones and the life crushing ones. Depending on our capacity as human beings and souls to understand our environment and the experiences that enfold in our lives, is our capacity to heal and apply values and knowledge to the rest of our journey in physical.
Like a chain reaction, what we carry within our DNA as imprints of trauma and the health of our electromagnetic field or aura affects our lives. The DNA imprints come from our ancestry, from the early stages of evolution as any form of consciousness to the currently evolved human being. Our ancestry not only includes what our forefathers learned but also what we as individuals learned from lifetime to lifetime.
Imagine then for a moment, the nature of our aura and the structure, not only of our DNA in itself but our brain and capacity to react to our environmental conditions, which not only includes our relationship to nature in the form of ecosystems but also to every human being with interact with.
Our capacity to absorb information in the form of experiences and the energy from our surroundings is not fully blocked. Just like how when we were children, open to everything around us, as adults we still hold that capacity, to a level. However, when we become traumatized, our own fragmented energy or soul shards that have left our energetic bodies act like shields when we come across any form of input that is perceived as threatening. We learn not to trust in everything we see or hear or touch or in anyone who we interact with, thus blocking ourselves from the possibility of reliving a traumatic experience. We learn to defend ourselves. This process of learning from experiences is innate of every conscious being.
When we have suffered a great deal of traumatic experiences our auric system and energetic body looks fragmented and stained by the energetic soul fragments of other human beings and other life forms. Hence the horror stories about people carrying negative entities, demons and non-human life forms.
Through the gaps of our energetic bodies, other energetic forms that do not belong to our soul easily become attached to our being, bringing a wide range of discomforts, from physical diseases, to emotional and mental ailments. You are literally not whole within yourself and the energetic DNA imprints of other lifeforms create defective patches in your DNA sequence in physical. Those DNA imprints are literally made up of photons and other minute particles that carry the information of those lifeforms to which they belong.
The manifestation of hypersensitivity
As a traumatized human being and soul you become hypersensitive to your environmental conditions, sometimes to the point of incapacitating you to feel your own energy. You cannot feel as a realized human being with a well defined sense of identity. You merge too much with your surroundings and literally feel everything that attaches to your being and you are unable to protect yourself from all that energetic mess. Interacting with others can be so painful because you feel the emotions of others exponentially and sometimes you do not even know why you are feeling what you feel.
This is not the highest level of empathy that a human being can attain but instead a confusing form of empathy that stems from your own soul fragmentation and the gaps in your energetic system that has lost its capacity to protect itself. Protection is something that comes more naturally when you know how to establish healthy boundaries and create a self feeding energetic system based on your own wholeness and capacity to nurture yourself. You learn how to expel that which does not belong to you. As a whole being you do not need as much energy from other sources outside of yourself and you know well when to give your energy to others.
I have read many accounts from people in which they say they feel the pain of others without knowing the exact reasons. When the reasons are not understood, we must take into account that, under the premise of a fragmented energetic body and aura, these factors are important to understand:
- The person who does not feel whole might consciously or unconsciously absorb the energies of other people through direct or indirect contact.
- The energies become automatically attached when there is lack of self love (self feeding energetic system and healthy aura).
- Through lifetimes of conflicting interactions the person has absorbed the energy of the other (karmic experiences), especially when the one experiencing the pain of another was the one to inflict the pain but does not understand in the present moment the reasons.
- Attracting physical and non-physical (conscious beings or fragmented energies) relationships that reflect the repeating patterns based on trauma until the person has healed and no longer attracts such relationships that trigger the reliving or the original trauma.
In these cases a very limited form of empathy exists that is mostly based on being sensitive to the energies of others.
The many levels of genuine empathy
When our levels of awareness increase and we start healing traumas and gaining knowledge, more refined forms of empathy begin to enfold. We start understanding in a more genuine way the feelings of others, their suffering and the end result is mutual understanding.
We understand why we can relate to the feelings of others, why others feel the way they feel and in which ways we attract the situations, people and energies that become attached to us. We understand fully our own pain and our reactions to our environmental circumstances and we start understanding the equal reactions and situations of others. We start to relate in a conscious way to others.
Before attaining mutual understanding and genuine empathy first we must seek self love and self compassion. Without the emergence of self compassion, genuine compassion for others cannot exist.
When we are blinded by our own pain and we absorb the pain of other conscious beings, there is no place for logic and intuition and no capacity to create healthy boundaries based on self respect and the innate ability to nurture ourselves without being selfish. Selfishness arises when we are unable to meet the fundamental needs of our inner child and adult persona.
Once we achieve a high level of integrity and dignity in our lives it becomes easier to develop the highest levels of empathy based on the understanding of the needs of individuals and society as a whole. We become less attached to the negative outcomes that we witness. We can relate to the suffering of others, having learned from our own suffering and having healed our own soul record of traumas. We no longer need to absorb the suffering of others or suffer excessively when we witness the brokenness of human life. We become less reactive and more proactive and act out of love. We are motivated to help selflessly but we respect the path of those who are still learning. We learn to balance wisdom with compassion and know when to act and when not to act. We know what to accept in our lives and what not to accept. We know how to protect ourselves and become our own source of light and nourishment.

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.
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Thank you Karla. Always a joy to be reminded by your great articles and wisdom!