If the world had one wish, what would it be? Take a moment and savor the question. It is not necessary for us to repeat it, but you may wish to mull it over a bit. Meanwhile, we will open the bag of interesting trinkets with a story about wishes and wishers that may help set the tone for thoughtful reflection amid the chaos of current tremulous change.
Once there was a somber village that never seemed to see the sun for more than a few minutes each day, if they saw it at all. Ominous black clouds would eat up the light and leave them blanketed in an unending gray bleakness. On one of these dreary days, it was beginning to take on a different kind of sheen, this gray cloud cover, and it shimmered ever so slightly in the breaking rays of the morning sun. It is not unusual for light to play tricks on the eye like this, but in this case, it was witnessed by some very somber members of the village community to be more than an apparition of visual context and more of an actuality in itself. It was noted in the logbook and forgotten from the general agenda of daily business. In the ensuing days, however, the shimmer emerged more and more, and was noted by more than the somber members of the village, and more and more by the people who had lived in the shadow of the clouds for what they considered to be far too long. In their estimation, it appeared for longer periods each day, and grew stronger in its opalescent effect as the days drew on. Still the clouds lingered, but the shimmer made them more tolerable, and pushed the people to expect something to happen that would change their world from gray to something less lightless. The poor among everyone, the rich among everyone, and those who sat outside the village gates all felt the urge to put their mental powers to work in the glow of this shimmer, to give it some life and to be in its favor. The village began to hum with an undercurrent of speaking and whispering, its visual expressions took a new turn as artists began to incorporate the effect of shimmeriness in their graphical designs, and writers started turning the pages of their thesauruses to discover some shimmer therein with which to enliven, surreptitiously, their written words. In this way the shimmer infiltrated the gray atmosphere of the village, and started to take on a life of its own, a definite form in the deep understanding of the people and a vibration in sound and movement. There began to appear more distinct appearances of shimmering shape and light was never before so faceted in its play! Thus began the beginnings of awareness and extending from it, entirely new communications were born.
In the solitude of institutionalized grief and social separation, do you perceive the shimmer of light weaving its way through the individual threads trapping your spirit within a structure of artificial freedom? Share on XAs you read this, start to allow your mind to experience what it is to be in such a dynamic of light interplay. Do you know what it is to be under the drab blanket of gray blah-ness? Of course you do. It is something that has become pervasive in your modern world, either from mental longing for change or from actual blanketing of your skies with cloud cover. It is becoming more pervasive to know that many of your neighbors in your community and your nation and your world are taking some form of grief-reducing medication, or simply losing it altogether, and as a human among humanity, this is another fact of grayness in your life. It is becoming commonplace to be shuttered by fear, frozen in shock, numbed by disproportionate pain, alienated by brutality, and so on. Is this the future of humankind? you may wonder… adding doubt to the mix to bring the color to a distinctly hopeless shade of gray. It is not, if you believe in the reality of wishing, of foisting from its perch the dark shadow of death, of motivating your mind to cast off the belief structures that allow fear to take position and start nesting vipers of sheer madness. It is not, if you believe you can see through the veil of illusion that has been cast around you in vibrations of manufactured nature, if you believe that the future is not necessarily a function of what seems to be happening in the present transitory moment of media-saturated noise. Now then, do you feel the enveloping grayness as a cocoon ready to be cast aside? In the solitude of institutionalized grief and social separation, do you perceive the shimmer of light weaving its way through the individual threads trapping your spirit within a structure of artificial freedom? In similar fashion to a butterfly awakening to its new form, do you see that the safe cocoon of transformation is ready to become yesterday’s gray sheath, and that the world you have lived in is about to split open to allow the emergence of technicolor life as you have never imagined it to be? Be assured that something is set to change in your somber reality, dear ones, and know that it is time for you to come together and make a wish for a better world to become the new norm.
Now, how do you go about making a wish? It is handy to have a talisman, if that is what helps you gather your energies around a thought. It is not necessary, however, and even the most sacred sigils can simply be decoration when the one making the wish is secure in his or her own wishmaking mojo. Making a wish is simple enough, yet if you really want to see what can happen when you put your collective mind to the task, you could see a big change come into view faster than if you leave things to their own meandering route. Of course, things will happen whether you wish or not, whether you sit back and watch or whether you jump in with both feet and try to bend reality to a new shape with your will and talent. In the great scheme of What Is, everything changes, eventually. You are in the midst of great change now. Your involvement is safest when engaged at a distance, though there are certain among you who have volunteered to play more active parts than others. Wishing is not a passive waste of time, nor is it a futile whimpering in the dark corner from the condemned. You don’t have to think of it as living in the territory of “what if” if what you are wishing emanates from an understanding of your collective power to effect change.
What will you wish for, humans of earth? It is moments before the shimmer of hope again appears in your skies. Make your wish, and be ready for change.
What will you wish for, humans of earth? It is moments before the shimmer of hope again appears in your skies. Make your wish, and be ready for change. Share on X© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.
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Wishing for Peace for All!!!!!!!!!
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That’s a good start… 😉
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My Instant reply was Peace. I actually did not think of how, illness & medication was part? Considering some, will be facing illness & are feeling very Low, I would not of said how they ‘feel’ as that is telling them how they should feel. With Dear Compassion & Utter Respect a Collective Thought is not the same as an individual resonance. It takes one to inspire it takes a group to shine their Love & Compassion & then it becomes a collective.
One can mock the ‘Dark Night Of the Soul’ or someone could be kind and say, “It’s okay, you are not hiding in the Shadow, you are waiting for Love”
This is how we find Our Light & this is how we grow in Life…….
I’m not waiting for a Light in the Sky, we did that before and we truly were natures intended then. I digress, Love, Compassion, Empathy, Healing & Growing is a fantastic process. Even when one claims “Passive Waste of time”. Love grows!!!
Thank You & Peace
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I wish the government would stop spraying the sky, I wish the media would stop the lies about its existance. The diminished mind isn’t done yet, poisoning you nature too, daily, from blue to cold grey, spray jets everyday, pilots thinking as far as the greedy nose, orders barked to do more than poison earth.
The next step planned to block the sun totally from the earth once the space mirrors built. Trillons of tinny mirrors to reflect light away from earth. I jest not, the plans barmy-Parlimentry, set forth in 2009 Climate Science & global Warming report UK. (google it.)
I wish Portsmouth Water would stop poisoning the water with floride a waste product of the aluminium industry.
I wish Oxbridge University’s would stop HORRIBLE experiments testing on animals (4-legs & 2)
I wish to hear nature sing again, cosmic shine from the earth in to space home of birth versally.
I wish spell checkers would keep the pace, red wavey lines always out of date.
I wish British Petroleum would stop sucking earth blood and poisoning the oceans and murdering life because the masonic lodge told them to.
I wish the British Masonic Police didn’t murder the singer SMILEY CULTURE AND LIE ABOUT IT TO THE PUBLIC.
I still and will always love your song Smiley Culture. 1
I wish people would speak the truth. It feels good. I wish I heard it to.
I wish NO ONE voted for prostititions ever again.
I wish to then when its peace again, to dream the wonderful dream, dreamed inside since I arrived, the soul & song of man & earth..