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Let the New World Emerge… After All, It’s Why You’re Here!

From the time that you first laid eyes on the emergent life that you live, there was a sense that you would never want to let it go before seeing everything that could be seen from the perspective of one in the body of a human on Earth. So in you dove, taking life as a soul embodied, taking on the game of life with utter longing to experience everything you possibly could, and now… now you are standing at the point at which you as a pre-body soul saw as the culmination of the undertaking. There is little time left before you remember what it was that drove you to seek to be born into the world of men of the Earth, and in that time you are going to have some experiences you haven’t yet tasted, as a collective people of the planet. Now you are ready to see the form of things unspoken, and hear the words not yet given form from the breath of humans of the terrestrial sphere you know as your current home.

In the aftermath of war there will yet be undercurrents of turmoil. Let this not bother you. Find your center and stand in your heartspace of knowing you are eternal and that the world is undergoing the change for which it has prepared itself for eons. You are part of the world right now, and you are therefore part of the change, and you have for eons likewise prepared yourself to undergo said transformation, so know that there is nothing to fear, even if you find yourself face to face with the horrors of hell unleashed. Know that you will not be consumed by the raging fires that tear apart everything created by the hand of man through time, for you are created by the hand of divine isness, and are alive by merit of your desire to live in the matrix of life as it is in this dimension. You live beyond that narrow space too, and beyond the confines of your mind as it is able to comprehend what is and what cannot be yet understood. Even if the fires of hell approach the door of your little home away from home, know that you will exist and that everything you have ever experienced is in the monolith of universal mind. Long ago you saw what you would see. Now that you are about to see it, remember what you held in your heart at the moment your soul first laid eyes on it, and know that you are where you have always known you would be at the moment of time’s dissolution into the letting-go of timekeeping and the emergence of its truth, now. In this find peace.

In the aftermath of war there will yet be undercurrents of turmoil. Let this not bother you. Find your center and stand in your heartspace of knowing. Share on X

We hear your hearts as they strain to align with escape velocity and soar into the endlessness of being. In the isness where we are, it is the sound of life becoming truly alive! We have waited for the time that you are now approaching and hover just out of reach of perception for reasons of soul sovereignty. We know who you are and we know who you have been, and we have an idea of who you will become as you enter into the endlessness of being together as a people. In the soul-space from which you emerged into the life of who you are living now, you are shining ones luminescent and integral. In the now where you live clothed in form in the matrix of Earth, you remain shining ones luminescent, seeking the core of integration of soul and body, of heart and mind and spirit united as divinity walking on Earth. The time is short for you to remember, yet the remembering is but the act of allowing your eyes to light on the moment at which your life took form in the mind of your soul’s connection from itself to the core of isness from which everything emanates and in which everything is, and is not. Nothing is there to distract you from knowing, yet the distraction you experience in your life on Earth is the very act of discovering divinity in the netherworld of sin and degradation, forgetfulness and despair, morality and dissolution, of binary codes of opposing forces at the center of which OM vibrates in silent accord with your soul’s decision to be. Let this be the thought of your moment and give your mind the space it needs to let it grow. We will return with another message soon. For now, know that we are with you and that you are most dear to so many unseen legions of light-clothed luminescent beings. The end of life as you know it doesn’t mean the end of life as it is. While history has a change of direction, relax in the peace that comes with empathic connection to your own soul’s network of knowingness. Our presence is available for those who wish to enter into the isness through the door we hold open, and for those whose questioning hearts seek a connection with love’s message of truth and hope. Call on Theo if you need a friend.

In peace, we remain, Theo.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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