Again, we greet you, with the love of our people for your race, as family, friends, neighbors. We are members of the Galactic Federation of Light who carry a message to you through the auspices of Anica, liaison from the League of Light. This, our second message in this manner, comes at a time of uncertainty and anxiety, as the structure of your world strains under the pressure of long-overdue change. We will be brief and to the point, and allow space for Anica’s commentary to follow.
Many of your finest voices remain unheard amid a cacophony of division, yet the murmur of sanity, of peace, of fellowship is gaining coherence. It is a matter of time until the background murmur comes to the forefront of awareness and popularity contests and power plays take a back seat, you may say, to the driving force of humanity redefining itself altogether. We speak of certain inevitabilities within your interwoven global civilization. We speak of the growing awareness of planetary survival becoming a primary focus and of the need for humanity to make decisions about what each person can do to make the world safer and more healed.
The mood of world populations has been under the level at which movement toward such states is not easily achieved. Anxiety, fear, and uncertainty have lowered the mood of many, and arrogance, contempt, and self-righteousness have crushed the spirit of others. Neighbors shun neighbors, families abandon love, chaos is the news of the day, and even in havens of hope, souls struggle not to drown amid the challenges they face.
(Here you are writing without understanding where any of this is going. Keep going. We have a point to make.)
Soon, the changes you see happening around you, large-scale and small, will be happening so fast that you will likely not be able to function at the normal rate to which you are accustomed. In fact, you may find yourself to be unable to process the information you have in front of you at all, because so much will be happening so fast. We say to you, relax. Allow. There is a natural process going on which is anchoring you in an alternate reality while the present reality dies. The modulation frequency within the shift will have the effect of dismantling one framework of reality as it causes another framework of reality to assemble itself. The process is, as we said, long ongoing already, but as we are all simultaneously, in a sense, coming to experience the intensification of the modulation frequency, it becomes necessary to release some grip on the way things ought to be. Keep your heart focused on the most viable and beneficial result. The changes that come swiftly will shift everything in a moment.
You will have the world you have been waiting for, but it may not come as you anticipate. There is yet time to come to peace. We of the joined hearts of galactic humanity encourage you to look beyond the outlines of your picture of reality’s future, and allow the future to surprise you. Nothing yet imagined has reached the level of understanding about what the world of tomorrow will be like, though some have an idea. The end of waiting is near.
We thank you for your time in listening to what we have to say. We ask that you listen within for guidance when events seem precarious, if you feel unsteady on your feet. Things will be moving rapidly now, for many of you. We remain aware and involved. In peace, we come.
A Commentary from Anica
Following the words of this message, I would like to add my own words, carried from the heart of the League of Light.
The growing agitation many are feeling during this challenging turn of world events is born of ages-old fear, which itself is rooted in an ancient echo of trauma. Those who would control the destiny of humanity as subservient slaves to an alien ideology of illusion and oppression are the same who, many thousands of years ago in your history, brought nuclear destruction to the noble ancient race of mankind. The echo returns to be felt again, and we are here now to tell you the key to letting this echo die is to present to it its negation, in the form of certainty of your nobility, a sure knowledge of your genetic lineage as truly, most assuredly human, a recognition of the divinity of life-code that you yet carry within. Hold on to this and let it outshine all the tarnished images being paraded before you. As the collected, cohesive light reflects among you, together, undivided, immune to subversion and pure in your sentience of self, all echoes of obliteration must, by natural law, dissipate into unstructured elemental nothingness. In this is your freedom won, your hope secured. Our hearts are with yours, in love, our family.
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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Awesome!!! <3
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Thank You!
Thoughts triggered:
Chaos has an underlying order; however “time” has accelerated to such a degree that in space things occur….. [sometimes so ‘fast’ that the effect seem to precede the cause].
Chaos for a White Magician holds a key to more powerful Magic
Yes, a “drop” of terrorism [false flag or otherwise] will seemingly instantly fill the field, with terror. Just a small isolated “random” act can infuse humanities astral/emotional with terror. But a drop of gratitude, of luminous hope, of resolve [an aspect of will] dropped into chaos…the same. Instant amplification and “spreading”, faster than the speed of….. amplification of ‘luminous hope’ or gratitude….whatever resonance you “dropped” Magically into chaos. CNN will not report in their headlines; but humanity will feel the Luminous Hope you Magically dropped into chaos—-perhaps not having words but they will feel.
Chaos indeed precedes [and follows] change……all change. Watch this for yourself—–small change, small degree of chaos….major change as is happening on Terra in this accelerated time…major chaos.
Thus we embrace chaos as Magicians
and create more powerfully
and in the embracing transformation and transmutation can occur…..while in the avoiding, the “gut” pulling away…. the avoiding perpetuates dark chaos rather than offering the possibility of Magical light chaos.
Magical Light chaos 🙂
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You speak the truth.