Changes Among Us
A channeled message through Veronica from Num’Shala. Greater than the rift that has been set beside you, along the coastal planes there shall be such a design of tremendous change. For the antiquities of yesterday will be the so-called advancements of tomorrow. The light shone

The New Freedom Is from Knowing the Way Forward
from the Isis Soul Collective Come into the door that opens to the light. You will know the way by the sound of your own heart as you approach it. Tune your awareness inward, so you become more aware of your heart’s cadence and the

Moving through Earth’s Transformation
We of the League of Light greet you, humans of Earth. I am Anica. I have spoken with many of you before, and I greet you with great joy and with love as one who is in service to you at this time. You are

Hang On
Black clouds have not blocked the light. You have not perished. We have not ignored your requests for help and intervention on the world stage, but we have also been mindful of your need to experience the drama now playing out all around you. Right