Today Changes Everything
a message from the League of Light Know the time of transformation is fully engaged. Many now will come to the point of madness, many to ecstasy, some to despair, others to oblivion. Most will carry out the day understanding that in moving through it,

The Journey Begins at Dawn
a message from the League of Light Begin the process of separation and move toward OM. All who heed the call to return OMward are hearing the voice of love and responding with faith. There is honor and integrity in that. Keep your beacon tuned

Pain Comes But in Dreams of Darkness
a message from the League of Light Bright is the day that arrives after a night of sorrows. The opened eyes of one who has found a way to morning take in light as a direct source of life and knowing. We are the show

To the End, Pray for Peace
a message from the League of Light Tygers are coming. The stars will fall. Over the sea will come the sound of a prayer, and when that echoes, the war will be over. Remember the core words of the prayer. Bring each other home. Download

Help Is Hope in the Heart of All
Help is something that hope is built from. The last thing that takes form in the mind of someone who is in need of help is hope, and the first thing that comes to mind when hope is thought of is help received though yet