Homeward and Upward: Video
Perfectly poised for right now, a higher perspective for navigating this moment of transformation. We’re in it, and can get through it, if we focus on the most basic of human strengths… love. © Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to

Homeward and Upward
The dimensional shift that has been developing is in process now. You have only a short time until the underpinnings of the world you know come apart enough that you will be unable to deny that the change is real and total. The next week

Never a Time for Making Believe: Video
Long ago gets lost in the blur of highly organized lies that pass for history. The time has come for humanity to get back on board with the truth of who we are and for that, it is vital to know beyond belief. Theo, a

Never a Time for Making Believe
Be free in the way you hold your thoughts about the world and the way it will become what it is to be. The processes that are underway are being monitored by interstellar beings whose soul purpose is to facilitate the self-sustaining transformation of worlds.

Help Is Hope in the Heart of All
Help is something that hope is built from. The last thing that takes form in the mind of someone who is in need of help is hope, and the first thing that comes to mind when hope is thought of is help received though yet

You Are New Beings in the Making
If there were one way to describe the situation you on the Earth are now in, it might easily be summed up with the thought that you’re in hot water. You have left the time of safe dreams and have entered into the nightmare realm

I am in the now with you. We are all together in the now. The time has arrived, dear friends, for change to show itself on the face of your reality like it has always promised to do. What is it that animates the light

Let the New World Emerge… After All, It’s Why You’re Here!
From the time that you first laid eyes on the emergent life that you live, there was a sense that you would never want to let it go before seeing everything that could be seen from the perspective of one in the body of a