by Veronica
A message of awakening from our Pleiadian family with love.
Through awakening, you are not only expanding your minds, you are peeling away, layer by layer, of your old 3D Self. Each layer becomes less and less painful as you become more aware of the Truth that lies within the archives of your soul. You are now moving forward with more conviction, assertiveness, and love. This brings us much joy and hope for your planet. This new energy exudes from within and is penetrating the attention of those whom come in contact with you. “What has changed about you?” “Did you do something different with your hair?” All questions you may have been asked. This is all relative to the “New You”! The steady changes can no longer go unnoticed. You are on the path to “NEW”. This process of elimination has made space for new information, new perspectives, possibilities, and realities beyond. Your usual act of processing information, will begin in a whole new way. Time on your planet is speeding up at a rapid pace, causing friction in the process of acceptance to what IS.
It is important my dear ones, to give yourselves time! Time to connect, time to listen, and time to accept that the past should stay right where it is. We must remain in a stable state while moving onward, as reverting back to 3D reality makes it a more difficult and lengthy process. Forward is Key here! These changes that you are currently dealing with physically, along with the soul conscious transformations on your planet, is not an easy transition, we know. These changes bring about confusion, depression, exhaustion, pain, regret, guilt, love, extraordinary empathy, and many more emotional struggles. However, this is necessary and imperative, in the evolution of your soul from 3D to 5D conscious state. The tools that once helped you through 3D consciousness, will no longer serve you in your spiritual transition. It’s clean-up time and a time to recalibrate. Your soul mission will start becoming more clear to you in the times ahead. Practice centeredness and quiet time. Soon, you will be enjoying the rewards of freedom, joy, and expansion.
We leave you now with our utmost love and respect, and will continue to guide you on your new path with ease and grace.

I am welcoming with open arms this new chapter in my life. My name is Veronica and I’m a wife and mother of two. Some may know me as a dental assistant, where others may not know that side of me connected to the spiritual world. Ever since I could remember, my want for spiritual knowledge has never seemed to cease. Through Dream State, I have found and hold as Truth, that all questions will be answered as we shed a different part of our “old self”, and begin to remember again. As the years progressed, my dreams became much stronger, more vivid and in depth. In 2013, I was shaken by an experience that would leave me three years wondering, “What does this all mean?” I am now questioning a whole new world. “What is Nine and how can one get there?” This experience led me to Maryann’s book, Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, where she would answer a question that had me perplexed, in just a few weeks. A weight has been lifted and now it seems like the doors have been opened. Understanding had to be reached before any advancements would be made. I now have this amazing and humbling opportunity to share my messages and understanding of Nine alongside one of my favorite authors, and you.