by Karla
The most difficult aspect of possession at the DNA level is the changes that, throughout our lives, we can experiment in the form of radical ideas, dramatic swings in personality and even physical changes that reflect a certain incompatibility with our original template.
This is not the case for everyone at the most evident level of possession. It is mostly through the first three waves of awakening souls that this phenomenon takes place, with a certain degree of impact in future generations. Most people are not aware of how much they are affected by the physical and etheric DNA of other beings, and by that I do not refer to the common genes that we carry from our parents, our grandparents and other ancestors.
By this I mean possession by beings that are either recognized for having fulfilled a collective mission physically and non-physically, and whose collective contracts with humanity are still playing out, in one way or another.
Between the last three or four decades and the first glimpses of the new coming decade, how many thousands of people have not claimed, at least once in their lives, that they are the incarnation of a very famous being? Do they believe in this notion blindly?
What goes through the minds and hearts of these individuals holding on to this ideal of being a famous ancient master, archangel, queen, king, etc.? Many things for sure, especially confusion.
Of the so many cases that I saw between the years 2009 and this year, of mild or severe possession, none of these people were fully aware of the level of possession taking place. Many even claimed to hold vivid memories of the master beings they feel at their core they are or have been, or simply, a feeling makes them believe. Even in QHHT sessions, some these memories can be uncovered unavoidably. For this reason, not even the apparently most precise forms of conscious or subconscious regression are exempt from this phenomenon.
All cases had in common something that I noticed almost right away: none of these people had the soul vibration of the true master they claimed or claim to be. Yet, in severe cases, they did hold the soul vibration of the being possessing them at core level along with their real vibration. There was something mismatching in all cases. Only very few particular cases were too severe as to identify the real soul vibration of a master being embodied in these people, and incurring in a cognitive dissonance for a while.
Up to this day, some of these people claim to be one or more of the relevant masters who hold in their original templates large amounts of collective karmas with the people of Earth. For several reasons, the soul shard of the original masters is not released from the layers of the individual they affect with their physical or etheric DNA. Such connection can last a whole lifetime, without the individual even realizing what they are carrying at all levels of their being.
One of the biggest reasons why such phenomenon of possession takes place with such intensity and recurrence is the lack of self-love that exists in the one who is possessed. This is not a lack that should be judged in any way, even if some of these cases seem to be an extreme form of narcissism. However, there are other more complex reasons, behind that apparent or evident lack of self-love. Through severe soul fragmentation, certain beings come to us and temporarily or permanently intend to leave within us part of their soul. This is not always caused by an ill-intention from the being who wanders astrally. In fact, some higher purposes exist, and if these purposes could be understood at the core, a whole enigma and series of Cosmic problems from the long forgotten past could be solved and healed permanently at individual and collective levels.
The deeper causes of recurrent possession and false identity disorder are explored in the coming sections of this long essay….

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.