By Karla
Our physical DNA is far more complex than what we might think. If you were to dissect it and translate the information it contains into images, it would probably not be too different as to what a medium can do while attempting to tap into the Akashic records. The difference is simply that physically this information is hidden from our visible eyes, and from any current artifact used to do microscopic or nanoscopic measurements.
I found out that even the most precise methods of hypnosis, like QHHT practices have a flaw when it comes to extracting information from the subconsciousness. These irregularities and inconsistencies are evident in several cases I read about.
If you were to see the layers of your aura, of your etheric template and the dark matter, dark energy and antimatter that makes up your DNA, you would find several energetic frequencies or vibrations that do not match each other. It is like a puzzle that has its pieces placed in disarray, forced to fit, creating a blurry image. If you were to read the Akashic constitution of the DNA, depending on the level of soul fragmentation of the individual, the more fragmented, the more incoherent the scenes would appear to be.
It is similar to what you get in the least coherent and consistent channelings. It is like tuning into several radio stations all at once and the information flows in a continuum and tries to tell you a story, then jumps to another story, and another one.
The human DNA is a blend of physical blending of genes from the parents who give birth to a child and their own DNA is embedded with the genes of their own ancestors, creating long chains of information that goes back to countless generations. If it was as simple as just carrying the pieces of codes of our own bloodlines, there would be less inner pressure in our human template.
Reality is far more complex than it seems. In the invisible, answers to the unexplained are found. The fragmented souls of beings in spirit form can take over our physical bodies, temporarily or almost permanently throughout the course of our lives. Often times, entities travel from body to body, for justified and unjustified reasons. Depending on the etheric mass of these entities, is the degree of influence they have over our consciousness and our very own DNA.
Most often, the reason why entities come willingly to us is for karmic reasons that extend to lifetimes prior to our current incarnation. By karmic it means that interaction with these beings in physical form had a diverse set of consequences. Such interactions could yield positive results, or the opposite. In cases in which interaction brought negative and painful results, they bring about the most difficult cases of interaction and possession associated to what we term as negative entities.
Some of these past life interactions manifest as a variety of mental, emotional and physical problems caused by wounds. The wounds can manifest as temporary mood swings, depression, lack of mental focus, lack of concentration, lack of motivation and physically the wounds manifest from something as simple as temporary pains to life threatening diseases.
The most complicated part about the relationship between the presence of entities and damaged DNA is the fact that entities are made of soul essence just like our very own soul, and as such, the soul of all beings is made up of imprinted memories from our physical existence in all timelines. Additionally, the information that makes up a soul builds up the unique soul vibration of each individual. Every being has a special set of codes in the form of photons, dark matter, antimatter, dark energy and ultimately matter. These combinations of visible and invisible particles carry all our personal soul records or Akashic records that make up our unique energetic signature.
The problem comes from the fact that when we interact physically with other people, in one way or another, we share the genetic material with each other. The genetic material can be physical or non-physical. The latter comes in the form of etheric DNA material of which the soul of all beings is made up of.
When the genetic material of individuals carry wounds from their diverse layers, then these wounds are imprinted in our own genetic material and this attracts additional etheric soul fragments from the same individuals coming from diverse dimensions and timelines. This further contaminates our already damaged DNA as more genetic material from other beings becomes attached to us at etheric level, condensing into the physical and manifesting as diseases and other problems.
The incompatibility of codes and the wounds is what manifests as these problems, as our own genetic codes are overridden by the presence of the DNA of other individuals, and our aura is contaminated with the etheric material of these individuals.
Our own soul and physical vessel becomes influenced by the presence of the energetic and physical material of other individuals, subtly or evidently. Possession is then a phenomenon that is not only exclusive of the astral layers of reality, but even at the cellular level and DNA level as the etheric and physical information of other beings becomes activated within us.
To be continued…

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.