by Karla
An almost physical visitation
A few weeks ago, I had a nightly visitation by two soulmates. I was fully anchored here, and wide awake. It was not possible for me to see them, but they moved my body to let me know they were there by my side and I heard them speak. The loving touch on my hands was so palpable, almost physical. I could really feel their hands touching my hands and holding me by the shoulders and arms and showing to me how they came from portals that were wide open in my room.
The love and respect that I sensed in our connection was amazing and soothing. In past lives, we had contracts that were difficult. However, I had known that they had incarnated aspects on Earth, so I was puzzled. I thought that night that maybe the information I was given about their presence on Earth physically was outdated or coming perhaps from past lives. I felt sad somehow, to know that they were fully disembodied, but at the same time I thought to myself that then maybe contact with them would be easier this way.
One of the elements of contact that stood out to me was that when I closed my eyes, I did get to see, somehow, that in their plasmatic form they could take any shape. In the case of the male, he could take the shape of a reptilian being, but also human, while in the case of the lady what I could see the most was a powerful Atlantean form.
They told me to relax and to try to fall asleep as a huge healing would take place. I got to feel immense waves of heat and tingles as if my whole lightbody was burning. The next day they were gone and I was left with some diagrams about their presence that they drew as they held my hand that night. I got a new clarity and understood that it was not wrong, my knowing that they do exist here in the Now, physically incarnated on Earth. However, it all started when I decided to use a fetish, in the form of a small stuffed dragon, as an offering to the female soulmate. She took the offering gladly, and filled it with her essence, in such a way that she opened a portal, connecting part of her essence in the fetish to much of her soul energy residing in higher realms or densities and to my lightbody.
Zero point and our multiple aspects
Have you ever watched the movie Interstellar? These kinds of experiences like the one I had that night are very similar to the hypothetical situation presented in the movie. What this nightly experience proved even further about the understanding of the great shift and reaching zero point, is that our aspects coming from other timelines and spacelines are definitely incarnating through us as we merge further with them. We give closure to the wounds of those timelines and spacelines. My two soulmates came from those densities to me, where they are still individual souls, in order for the healing to take place, and then, when they left, they reached out to their currently incarnated forms to merge in their lightbodies.
Here is exactly what we need to understand about reaching zero point both from a metaphysical and psychological combined perspective:
Zero point is the full awareness of the Now, where the past and the future do not interfere in our consciousness, except when consciously we remember the past and base our future dreams on what so far we have built in uncountable lifetimes and what we want to explore as something new. Our consciousness does not fluctuate anymore without control between subconscious memories and realities. We are fully integrated and healed and our mind is silent and fully present in the Now moment, while our intuitive side is balanced.
In every lifetime, you create a copy of yourself with certain variations in the form of a soul. Every copy of yourself undergoes a level of soul fragmentation/wounding. These soul shards affect you from lifetime to lifetime, creating the perceptions of spiraling time and linear time in physical and non-physical realms. Unconsciously, you are tapping into the experiences of your aspects or copies and you cannot ground yourself in the Now moment. You bounce back and forth from the past to the present to the potential future. Your mind races and your emotions fluctuate too much, even without physical catalysts. Or experiences trigger these aspects to influence you.
The more you merge with your past lives/potential futures or selves, the more your consciousness can become grounded in the Now and is not affected by the past wounding and separation. You have control of your mind and your heart. You embody all of your selves from all timelines and spacelines in this present moment.
Note: I will not update my personal site in a while as I am gathering most of the information I write in a series of upcoming books and the site will be upgraded at some point. Further posts will only be available through Nine’s path.

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.