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Changing Address

Now We Come

More understanding of who will be the next player on the stage of your world drama will come if you have some idea of the true nature of who, exactly, is onstage now and what, really, is going on. This is no great revelation; the clues have been woven together for your review in countless ways and in various levels of detail and truth. We will tell you what we can if you will listen. We will tell you everything we know if you stop pretending you already know it. We can only share what you are willing to receive, and you already know the words of wisdom about filling a cup that is already full. We ask, if you are ready to hear what we have to say, that you relinquish only the preconceived notions that you may have about the nature of human history and extraterrestrial involvement in it. Only while we tell our tale. Then of course they are yours to reclaim as you wish.

Eons ago, your present world had visitors of a type that would be today considered as invaders. The planet had been the repository of materials from many worlds, so there had been visitors who had altered the earth, but we are talking here about a group of dominating marauders who had plans to own everything and ruin anything that remained in the wake of their passage. They came to planet Earth with the intention to own it, for to their way of thinking, Earth was nothing more than a resource to conquer.

We are talking about a group of dominating marauders who had plans to own everything and ruin anything that remained in the wake of their passage. Share on X

Now we come purposefully to complete what we began on the planet, which was to foster the emergence of higher consciousness in preparation for radical change. The time has come for there to be the renaissance of human consciousness, the likes of which have not been seen yet on the planet. You are ready to enter into a new phase of knowledge of who you are and what you are yet to become. We have much more to share with you in that regard, but now we will merely say that you have not been told the full truth about your origins and about your collective experience as the carriers of high consciousness. The truth will be revealed in more and more detail, big revelations, and bold new movements of energy and form. We have waited for these days to come, when the world is open without restrictions of supposed knowledge to filter understanding into oblivion. Your world is ready to be told greater truths than have been cloaked in books and temples. You have been fed only morsels while the feast of pure knowledge of love’s bounty has remained off-limits. The time has come for the temple guardians to unlock the doors and for you, people of Earth, to enter into a new reality. This is the time when the keepers of wisdom unveil the history of your birth and move out of the past into the present. We are ready for the party to begin!

Nothing but freedom from the bondage of ignorance do we offer, though it is not something we can wrap in paper and hand to you. Before we place the wrapping on the box, we want to make sure that such a thing will fit, for there is no way to return it for another size. There is only enigmatic information that will force open the collective mind to a reality that will be forever changed. You will be forever changed, too, but the truth is, this is what you have been asking for, isn’t it? So we will continue, because we all have waited long enough and the reality you have grown accustomed to seeing around you has steadily shown itself to be in a state of rapid decay. Remember, rot feeds new life. For your world, it is the decay of what has been familiar that will usher in the new. Since more of humanity is waking up to ask what on Earth is going on, we put our hands on our hearts and prepare to unleash the words of love that we have carried far through time to give you now.

Binary modes of thought will hinder understanding, so put aside the concepts that have been familiar to your method of extracting meaning from experience. It was useful, even necessary, for the path of knowledge you have hitherto explored, but it is of little merit for gaining an extraterrestrial, extratemporal grasp of the true state of affairs. Remove yourselves, if you will, from the familiar perspective you have in the way you see the world. Make some room around your mental space to pull back from the field of polarization into the field of perfect unity, where everything exists in balance and there is peace and beauty. If you see nothing but a sphere of light, you are on the right track. You can see it, yet you are within it too—there is no separation because everything, in this scenario, is one.

The time has come for there to be the renaissance of human consciousness, the likes of which have not been seen yet on the planet. #ninespath Share on X

Moving into this expanded mental perspective, feel the possibility become real that we exist as well within this oneness, that where you see yourselves, you see the polarity of beingness in human form, not as your opposite, but as your projected persona of brotherhood in peace. You may not think such a thing is counter to who you are, but truly this is how it appears in many nations’ eyes. We are not pointing fingers here, but simply say that many star-based civilizations have, as you may have heard from various sources, seen Earth as a rather savage place. However, as we have been part of your history, unrecorded but in oblique ways, we know your propensity for anger and violence has been engineered to a large extent, and the inner secret essential part of you that contains the blueprint, you could say, of who you have the ready potential to be exists unscathed, despite eons of attempts to shatter your integrity to get at it by aforementioned nefarious agents of disorder and mayhem.

Again we turn your attention back to the sphere of light. Know you exist within its energetics of perfection, as do we, as do the agents of mayhem or any other entity or collective you care to consider. Each being, each group, exists in balance, not only with what it is and what it is not, but also with every possible expression of self you are capable, as an individual or a group, of manifesting. Thus the unified sphere of perfection is at the same time the pure essence of each individual in balance with his or her own demons, inner child, higher self, memories of life, hopes, intentions, projections, and so on, and the essential being in the same way of your family, community, tribe, nation, planet, species, all the way to the primordial mode of being—God, OM, Source.

When it finally becomes known that open communication between people of polarized viewpoint is having the effect upon the hurting populace of the world to break the deadlock of mistrust and begin to heal ancient raw wounds, then you can expect open communication with benevolently oriented civilizations from worlds beyond the confines of your own lonely planet. When dialogue between those people who can’t bear to truly know each other’s pain becomes words of trust, understanding, and wisdom, then the knowledge we speak of will be shared with all. If the pain of pride and the need to be the best in exchange for the well-being of any living creature remains in place between you, your brother, your father, your neighbor, employee, boss, representative or represented, you will have forfeited perfection for an illusion. You can choose at any time to see the arrogance of needing to be right for what it is—a fear of annihilation—and in releasing yourself from the prison of pride, gain a freedom for which there is no restriction, for it is a sure path to love as peace, life as harmony, and a world where waste of either love or life is not a factor of being.

Big words. You are ready for them. How you choose to respond to what you perceive as not-you, those aspects of other that make you squirm within the space you call yourself, will determine how you as a collective of humanity chooses to respond to the secrets and lies that seem to be quickly unraveling. In all such encounters, remember that the key of wisdom is yours. Let it arise from within. Let it unlock the beliefs that hold you in patterns of fear and impotent rage. Light is moving in the shadows now. It is a time of miracles for the ones with eyes to see them. It is a world of pure knowingness of OM, of knowingness of impossible wonders and possibility fulfilled. We have more to share with you, dear people, but another time. Be gentle with yourselves and with each other. The world you live in is quickly changing, and so are you. We will face each other soon, in perfection, in peace. Make your weeks ahead be full, for the weeks to come will be radiant with life, full of presence and wonder. See the union of your fear with perfecting love, and prepare to be on the way Home.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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  1. Post comment

    ‘How you choose to respond to what you perceive as not-you, those aspects of other’

    I’m struggling to innerstand this. If everyone else is is me that also says i’m the totality of existance everyone else exists within. It feels just like there’s me at home in here! I’ll let you know if I bump into anyone else, but only me so far!

    The gods doesn’t count either, them there’s telephone calls, cosmically!

  2. Post comment

    What a wonderful message! I am ONE with it, as are we all. ^_^
    Bless you sister Maryann, and thank you for such pertinent clarification.
    Needed and received. I will alert others towards this reading.
    Love and Light…


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