Light is beginning to show through bigger cracks in the facade of your reality now. More and more, truth will be known. There is no stopping it. There is no denying it. We are not going to let the truth remain guarded for your answer-seeking minds, though there aspects of it that we cannot reveal because of norms of interplanetary diplomacy and your own directive to self-govern. You are about to know the movement toward self-governance but not because we come to save you. We come to help you understand who you are and to give you a collective wake-up call, but not to take control. You are more than capable of doing what you came to do without our direct involvement. We are available for support and guidance, and we are doing what we are able to behind the scenes, but we will not steal your glory from you. The mastery of your quest as a planetary population is something you can do on your own and you would not be very happy if someone else did it for you, anyway. Know that we will keep an eye on everything as we have done and the dark forces which act on the Earth will deal with the remaining time they have as overseers of the world’s affairs as criminals who know the world is coming to justice.
Remembering will add the missing element to your quest of liberation and transformation. How to remember is still a mystery but some of you are decoding with greater speed. Light will still shine on the Earth after you remember, but the shadows will not be so formidable. You are coming into the time of greater remembrance now and seeing the new picture that full memory promises. In the night you have dreams and in the light you have memory. The key to remembering is to pay attention to the divinity that reveals itself in the shadows. There is only a spark of light to give you a hint of the divine life that animates all things, and it is sometimes difficult to see. If you train your eyes to recognize the frequency of life even in death, you will come closer to remembering why you chose to incarnate on Earth at this time. If you can remember that, you will be ready for the transformation that is to come.
On the knowingness that accompanies remembrance, I will say this: You are having hints and clues of that path appearing around you in many ways to remind you about the way back to memory. When you follow those clues, you open your own vault of precious memory and begin to decipher more and more. The next phase after remembering is knowing. There is much to be said about what you will come to know, but before that, you must approach the vault of memory with fearlessness and determination. Remember what I said about determination. It is a choice to see all that you are and a choice to allow more of yourself to bring itself to your attention. Determination leads to divinity in the moment you decide to know yourself. If you can keep that in mind, it will help you discern what light is present in the shadows waiting for you to discover it. If you are able to discern that, then you will have very little trouble navigating your way through the turbulence that is in the lost days of forgetfulness being regained in the present moment’s nexus of integration.
There is a saying on your world, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” The going has been tough for so many of you for so long now, and you are collectively yearning for real change to make the going a little easier. The tough element of your zen calm has reached a point of letting go of the illusion of business as usual being the way things have to be and instead making your quest more real and more closely had in hand. You are tough to the core, dear ones, and tough to defeat. You are on a tough path, to be sure, but it is not tougher than you are. You are on your way to discovering just how tough you are as a people who live in the truth of light and the mastery of love. Remember who you came here to be. Be true to your own light and you will more easily see it in unlikely places. The tough times are on the way out and the final part of your quest is soon to begin. Be staunch in your determination to bring memory alive!
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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Reblogged this on Tales from awakened Mind and commented:
This remind me to an old Billy Ocean song, but we have to be tough going through inner liberation. Seeing 3D and having different inputs from higher self, that paint a different world that our programmed mind try to explain. We have to unlearn this mind programmings to get the bigger picture, to use higher potentials. Every human being can prove that the output of the chattering mind matches the mass media outlets. But higher self insights match Asket’s informations in this text, it is the same big picture from the unlimited realm. So let’s liberate ourself and thanks to Asket.