The Cosmic Shift So Far and Our Future on Earth and the Universe
by Karla Conscious remembrance of what once was an ancient myth If you have payed close attention to the ancient myths and the illustrations that have accompanied such stories, you might have noticed the presence of beings that have shaped our collective path. Our understanding

Harmonizing the collective energies
by Karla How do we go about harmonizing the collective energies of Earth during times of distress? A Look Back: Origins A very long time ago, before we reached the point in the collective evolution of Cosmos where we stand, we were born of the

2016 Winter Solstice Message from Asket of Temmer
Filled with wisdom and insight into our shared history with galactic civilizations, as we stand on the brink of a new way of creating our history moving forward, Asket shares another brilliant year-end message. © Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to

Aim, People, Aim to Your True Past
Look at the way the world has come to full circle from where things were in the past long ago. Just a few millennia ago, your ancestors had still some remembrance of who they were and what the world once was like. It has taken

A Kind of Reassurance and a Question for You
Somebody left the door unlocked after everyone was in, and what do you think happened? Lots of doom came blowing in, and with it, some not-too-savory characters came in to see what could be done to fatten their bellies. I am, of course, speaking figuratively

Making Time for Yourself
Yanking the mask off the face of the faceless ones is no small feat. They are purposely difficult to see and can put any argument ahead of any attempt to point them out as perpetrators of any universal no-no. When you are stomping out fires

Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine: Now Is Here
Do you anticipate some sort of collapse and inevitability regarding your planet’s movement into a more enlightened state of being? You are already seeing the foundations shake. Soon everything will shift into a more comfortable arrangement for your own movement into a state of transformed

When the Tough Get Going
Light is beginning to show through bigger cracks in the facade of your reality now. More and more, truth will be known. There is no stopping it. There is no denying it. We are not going to let the truth remain guarded for your answer-seeking

Remembering in Time for Change
Let’s talk about your dear sanctity. Certain motivations are determining factors in your future. One is the determination of sanctity. You choose what to do based on your determination of the sanctity of one choice or another. It doesn’t matter what you choose; all is