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Getting Started

(Me): Let’s talk about Opalescence.

(Pleiadians): You contracted to write a book during your days on Earth. You need to get started, you don’t have many left! We are eager to start. Nine does not eat or sleep, so Nine can get a chapter done more quickly. Your month ahead will drive the book’s greatness.

May I have a brief overview?

Divine hands write. You write. LOL! Now, “Opalescence” is the title of your book and site. We will dictate the content as you allow time. We will be quick and clear. So will you.

(Me): Let’s talk about 'Opalescence'. (Pleiadians): You contracted to write a book during your days on Earth. #pleiadian #ninespath #opalescence Share on X

Find out more about the book Opalescence here, and see what it became.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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