Earlier this year, late spring I think, I started hearing from the Pleiadians that my work was going to change in a dramatic way in the not-too-distant future. While I continue with the tarot, which I love and I know has a profound touch on the reality field, I sensed a down-shifting of the overall machinery in my output with the League of Light. They were and still are very present, more so lately in new ways, but the activity was in a state of flux, with the clutch fully engaged and me waiting to see what was next. (I gratefully nod to those guest writers who have been helping the site stay healthy with engaging and relevant topics!)
Massive Shift of Gears
In July, it kicked in. Someone I’ve written personal readings for contacted me after receiving his third reading from the Pleiadians, with a proposition. This is someone who read and absorbed the entirety of my book Opalescence in two days, a recent retiree with a vision to use his time and money to affect the shift in global consciousness. He has chosen my work as pre-eminent among voices to bring to the greater population who haven’t yet been touched by the LOL’s insight. He and another person, an actress, had a very strong vision to make films based on my writings. I felt a distinct enlivening of my whole being, hearing this, and sensed a huge gateway aperture turning open before me. This is what the League of Light was talking about, the next phase.

Want to know how this all began?
Back Story
- Early transmissions from the Pleiadians of the League of Light are picked up by Maryann Rada, who makes a quantum jump into a new conscious reality.
- Over the course of a decade, writings accrue and take the form of books, websites, and videos. Nine emerges as a love-based foundation of creative reality-making. Teachings pry open minds around the world.
- Time shifts make a new form of communication necessary. Ancient bonds rekindle and core team assembles to organize production of a film based on the writings and the experience of contact.
The Project Begins, the Core Team Gathers
Presented with a selection of photos of potential actors to begin the process of making this real, I zeroed in on one photo to the exclusion of all others. Magnetically. So I know it was the Pleiadians saying, “Look. Here. Remember.” Recognition, though I’ve never seen this person before. It turns out (funny how these things go…) that he is not just an actor but a writer and director and filmmaker, John Harrigan. He describes his purpose thus: “My work as a writer, director and filmmaker explores the inherent truth that each life holds. Utilising the mediums of ritual and storytelling, I explore our relationship with the numinous that haunts the liminal spaces of humanity and culture.” Congruence.
You can find John’s work in film and theatre here and as a meditation facilitator here. He is a consummate magician and, it seems, a brother to me, more even than that, going back eons of time. We remember each other and he has committed to making films based on my work, a drastic shift for him and he’s totally “in the ritual” of it as he would say. He sees it as sacred.
I know you understand what the Pleiadians and League of Light are doing with humanity. It’s as if this is a love message to the masses in the form of a film, several films! Knowing your mind is resting on these words is a blessing to me which I appreciate beyond measure. Stepping into this expanded role is somewhat daunting, definitely thrilling, and matches what the Pleiadians have told me directly, which is that my role would shift dramatically and that I’d enjoy what comes next. I’m ready. Your presence in this world gives me a boost, some initiative, to move forward into that. I appreciate your being here now.
Creative Alchemy
Forward now to October/November. The gentleman who contacted me after receiving a reading in July rented a house in France for a month, and gathered there my small family, Lois, the actress who had the strong vision, and John and his family to meet and begin work on the filming. John had by that time written a screenplay based on my experience and my book Remembrance. Feverishly, furiously, with passion, he created something amazing. He took my work the step further in evolution it needed at this moment in time, fueled by the Pleiadians and countless others (we feel them all). The preliminary filming for the teaser trailer was, if I can say, magical… in sacred ancient grottoes, ancient holy ruins, high holy places in lands where legend says faeries and dragons fought in ages past.
John is back in the UK now, revising the script; we’re all working together finding locations, tackling a massive amount of details that go into such a project. The gods are stirring things with their fingers, you might say, and certain things are falling into place. At this point in the process all involved are at maximum saturation with activity. Amazing things are happening. I am transforming. My power is shifting, as I step into a graduated role of doing sacred work. I feel that and it’s wonderful, and terrifying, and I dive into it willingly, eager to see what’s on the other side!
Everyone is astounded at how this is coming together, piece by piece falling into place as if moved by unseen hands. Rehearsals are already set for December, with filming on location happening in January and post-production work to be done by March/April. Then the film “Lightships” will be released and, may it be so, seen and received by many many people.
This evolutionary step is just the first of many creative projects we see already in the future. There’s a sense of needing to get this done swiftly because of world events and general readiness of the field, by the time it’s ready for release. Everything’s being choreographed perfectly.
Making It Happen
We’re getting creative in many ways, including how the flow of support is coming to the project. I’ve recently created the website for the company that’s recently formed for this and future projects, GHRL (Galactic Human, Renegade Love), at https://ghrl.io. We’re also getting other avenues lined up for grants and crowdfunding, hoping that extends the field of interest in ways we can’t yet see. I sense there may be some within your matrix who would like to invest in the consciousness shift in such a way. If you feel it appropriate, I would be grateful for you to share these developments, and see what spirit prompts.
I’ll be sharing the teaser trailer here as soon as it’s finished and ready. Watch this space…
Post comment
Well, that all happend pretty quickly lol. 😀
I can’t wait for the trailer.