How Is the League of Light Defined? Pleiadian FAQ

How Can the Pleiades Sustain Life? Pleiadian FAQ

What Is the Nature of Your Life? Pleiadian FAQ

Life Within the Star System of Taygeta
Note from Maryann: Karla has a unique insight into the worlds around the stars of the Pleiades, especially Temmer. Long ago, we met there; we each have memory of this. At that point in time, we had vastly different background understandings of Temmer and galactic
League of Light

From Draco to the Pleiades, with Love
by Karla A long time ago… It was so long ago, that we first crossed paths. We were somewhat similar to your cats and your reptiles, but we were larger, more humanoid looking, and more evolved. However, there was fear in our eyes. We had

Core Access

Pleiadian Renegades

Your Soul Writers Are Ready!
(Me): Open for dictation and direction! (Pleiadians): Your soul writers are ready! We are a group of conscious beings from the star Taygeta. We incarnated long ago on a planet of that sun and live creatively in its light. Our planet is called Temmer. On