by Karla
Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind
Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind:
The First Key: Natural cosmic process of reintegration of the soul essence known as soul retrieval
Soul retrieval holds the first key to manifestation of better dreams, better experiences, and a higher path, by consciously embarking on a true savior mission of one’s own soul. From aspects in countless timelines, first sub keys of darkness and light are revealed. Soul retrieval is the art of ascension in its unconscious or conscious first stages of prismatic Cosmic rearrangement. By learning the secrets of the worldly light and the worldly darkness the next keys are revealed.
The sub keys of the First Key can be seen in the diagrammatic literal representation of scientific configuration of energy in the manifested and non-manifested Universes. Simple is the diagram, yet revelation holds its nature when one sees a mirror reflection of the soul in this larger fractal soul configuration:

You can see that, for the most part, the Creation that we know about is composed of dark energy and dark matter. These are forms of very light energy with a heavy density that cannot be seen in physical, as opposed to the condensed particles that make up the physical configuration of Universes.

We as individuals are no different from the Cosmos in our composition. Our shadow self is made up of antimatter for the most part. You can imagine that much of what we are is made up of etheric self. Imagine then how the astral realms are made up of the same substance. However, dark energy and dark matter vibrate differently in each layer of each dimension and density and these energies need to be imprinted to create antimatter and matter.
Very much like how, for the most part, our brain is in apparent state of slumber, as is the large portion of DNA known as “junk”, so are the layers of astral/etheric substance.
How are then the astral/etheric layers connected to the notions of dark energy, dark matter, antimatter and what we call the light in higher dimensions, our brain and our DNA? How are these concepts associated to the soul vibration, to inner peace, to letting go? Before we reach those keys take a look at the following diagram:

From our uncountable experiences on Earth we have created what people call the Matrix, both in physical and in astral/etheric layers.
What is truly the mass of energy that makes up then the astral/etheric realms (multidimensional)?
A person who is grounded and who is not interested or ready to tap into what people often refer to “spiritual” are people who either have a great capacity to generate physical resources or are not efficient in such task (i.e. wealth). However, these individuals are less aware of how their thought processes generate as well as the meaning of their dreams while asleep, and the collective energies surrounding them at all times. Such individuals are also either service to others oriented or service to self.
First Sub key: understanding the non integrated light of unity consciousness in a polarized world
When an individual activates the capacities of his/her third eye and crown chakras they become aware of the energetic environment surrounding them. However, in a transition process, the very first fallacy of this individual is to believe that he/she is following since the very first moment of this realization a path of pure goodness and service (this is not always the case though). On the contrary, a long path of self-awareness begins. Over time, the individual assimilates and integrates the information of the soul as a whole to understand, that in essence, there is no such thing as being defined by the basic notions of good or evil.
The awakening individual begins a new journey through the grid or layers of non integrated light. Sometimes they believe to be always of goodness, always different and abused by society in general, with a mission to save others, seeking oneness, unity, and the merging of energies with others indiscriminately. This process is achieved often times by raising the vibration to the level of the Little Heaven of light where the first notions of spirituality are learned and remembered.
In these dimensions of consciousness, with or without spiritual notions or practices, all individuals seek joy, bliss, and the manifestation of dreams with such emotional qualities. Energetically, part of this thick layer is also built when individuals exchange sexual energies. The blissful energetic explosions of life force are spread in the environment through the merging of the bodies and chakras. At this level, it is difficult to distinguish between the soul frequencies of vibrations of each individual, simply because at this level all energies are merged into a collective energy, a grid of light where parts of the consciousness of certain beings reside.
These layers are also built when the souls that pass to the other side after death, seek comfort in them where their traumatic imprints become inactive and cannot be perceived anymore.
It is an energetic vibration of joy and bliss, where the beautiful dreams of individuals and the collective are forged and desired to be manifested. For this reason, I call it the Little Heaven.
Is there anything wrong with this? Absolutely not. However, in a dualistic paradigm in the 3rd density with lower 3rd and 4th dimensional levels of consciousness, during cycles of thousands or millions of years, this thick layer of blissful light is built, in some cases through the most selfish and heinous motives. How is this possible? To this point beloved brother or sister, I shall come back later.
Second Sub key: Understanding the non integrated darkness of separation in a polarized world
When a collective of individuals begin an ascension process to a higher density, awareness of inner conflict of light and dark forces begin. It is a difficult integration process of a personal Universe of aspects residing in different timelines that converge in the Now moment in astral/etheric realms. What this means basically is that each aspect of your soul is an incarnation of the past or parts of incarnations, which also include futuristic past lives that hold possibilities for future manifestation.
The fragmented soul then resides for the most part in these higher realms, either in a hellish reality or in a heavenly reality. Their residence depends on the frames of each timeline playing itself simultaneously in the Now moment. Only one incarnated aspect which is us in physical has the colossal mission to integrate over time all other aspects of the soul. This process can also happen during the course of several incarnations, as long as it happens during an extensive ascension process to the 4th and 5th densities of individual expression (not to be confused with dimensions!).
In this initial process, the individual begins a conscious recalling process of tiny pieces of information from this convergence of other lives in many ways. However, very little is recalled in the initial cases of the negative path of the soul throughout millennia of incarnations. Sometimes, some gruesome scenes are seen without a link to repeating patterns and decisions. The abusive/abused nature of many of these aspects of the soul that affect greatly the path of the incarnated soul, as much as in previous incarnations where ascension was not possible, is not understood.
For the most part, many individuals with a spiritual aspiration think of themselves as initially being always the abused or the victim. Such inner projection is then seen in the conflict in relationships, from the biological family to society as a whole. Conflicts are especially projected directly at the individuals who chose to reflect the massive darkness of society: a dark cabal. During this confusing process we might feel constantly threatened by other individuals and other unseen forces and lives in the illusion of not living a life of true freedom. Spiritual ideas clash with the ideas of their loved ones and society in general. There is much inner conflict projected in the outside in this initial stage of ascension.
A small group of negative oriented individuals in government positions, spiritual organizations, large corporations, financial corporations and in other sectors, reflect the nature of the recollection of the collective subconscious nature in the darkness of lower realms, where the most dominant parts of each aspect reside. These are the dominant aspects that seek control at all costs, who take actions based purely on impulse, who seek to divide and destroy without hesitation.
Even the apparently most spiritual individual carries a degree of negativity from soul aspects, without exception. However, it is in the creative capacity of these aspects where so much of our True Power resides, including the power to generate physical resources and a sense of balance and empowerment. No wonder then why a small group holds the key to manifest the largest amount of physical resources, at all costs.
Remember that our subconscious, our brain, our DNA, is for the most part made up of imprinted dark matter or antimatter, where the lower realms of hell and the higher realms of little heaven exist. We are for the most part made up of a magnificent amount of aspects that have been abused and who have abused, but also who have lived for many causes and who have experienced love in uncountable ways through much suffering. For such reason, an incarnated individual cannot come to the physical with such a great level of integration of these aspects. Integration in itself is the ascension process.
The most negative and impulsive aspects of the soul hold such degree of pain and anger that these forces were in negative timelines converted into the purest impulse to destroy and to harm. An analogy of this is a very traumatized dog that attacks without hesitation and kills. Think about criminals who seem to be in a state beyond reason who hunt people to fulfill a negative impulse to destroy.
At this point my dear reader, everything sounds perhaps dreadful. Think about the most difficult moments in history when wars and other conflicts took place and decisions were made based mostly on impulse and not on the kind of rationale that we apply when we face pain. During our current stage of ascension of our consciousness, very likely you see that there is a much higher path than the previously known path of impulses.
it is then with the application of values like forgiveness, mercy, compassion, acceptance, empathy and awareness in general, that we dissolve all the negativity in our soul and our most negative aspects are then seen as aspects that took decisions based on much suffering, in times where there was no genuine guidance from the soul and from the heart of Creation.
Third Sub Key: Understanding conflict of polarities during global ascension
The light in our consciousness is what prevents us from becoming the worst of our souls, from experiencing the pain of our past without any filters or restrictions. We will not harm what we perceive as an opponent, we might not even punch someone, even if we are abused. Over time we learn to stand up for ourselves in the best possible way, without perpetuating conflict like in ancient times, during the most destructive stages. We reach for a higher path in which we internalize conflict and we assimilate the lessons of the past.
What many spiritual aspirants to ascension share in common is the early experiences of abuse in our current incarnation. Such abuses trigger the wounded aspects of the soul to integrate in such a safe way that we do not end up harming others out of revenge with our most negative potential. Even if there is revenge, the circumstances in which we are placed allow for us to take the higher road of awareness and mastery.
You can see these experiences of abuse as portals or reminders of our soul paths in multiple incarnations that lead us to a new path of higher inner resolution. These experiences remind us at subconscious level of the level of abuse experienced in millennia in 3rd density, from the standpoint of the victim but also to understand how we became the abusers.
When such experiences are not fully understood, then the aspirant begins an inner struggle with himself/herself and also with the world. So is the case of millions of individuals who display much physical, emotional, mental and spiritual confusion and turmoil and who also feel threatened by the outer circumstances. Some then seek in the higher layers of non integrated light, subconsciously, the presence of some higher power to come for their rescue and that of humanity.
The struggle intensifies in such a way that the aspirant feels overwhelmed with the following outer conflicts:
- The presence of “negative entities” or “demons” in lower realms and even engaging in fights with them, perpetuating conflict and increasing the collective level of polarization.
- The conflict with a dark cabal, from governments to large corporations and lower levels of authority.
- The threats of terrorist attacks, threats of war, threats of high technologies used by negative individuals, etc.
- Threats of financial collapse and inability to manifest resources in physical.
- Conflicts with religious beliefs and institutions.
- Conflicts with family and friends.
- Conflicts with personal identity, gender, tastes, beliefs, etc.
If such inner conflicts are constantly mirrored in the outside, the spiritual aspirant slowly becomes overwhelmed with his/her own negative or service-to-self oriented aspects that cannot be fully integrated. The aspirant feels in much conflict with the outer world as a consequence.
Two cases come to my mind when I think about how, when we seek to hold on to a spiritual path without proper integration we can become imbalanced. Some examples include spiritual masters who over history left us magnificent teachings, but who took actions that seemed contradictory and even extreme in some cases.
Another case is simply what we often see as an increasing and unforgiving repulsion towards the collective shadow that is blatantly mirrored by many of the people who control the resources of the planet. The latter in particular can drag us down into a spiral of negativity. Far from assisting in neutralizing the negativity of the planet we might contribute to worsen the inner polarization of the elite minority and that of the astral environment, depending on how we use our psychic capabilities. By sending our hate to them, we fragment ourselves further and we block their own capability for positive change.
Only by coming to terms over time with our own levels of soul polarization will true transformation begin and the origins of darkness will find in all expressions a common ground in the light.
The true nature of the dreams of the fragmented self
Before the next keys are analyzed, let us examine now the following diagram to understand the current polarized psychology of manifestation in a stage of increasing polarization:

In this diagram, which is closely associated to the previous diagram, you can see that our thought processes and dreams are highly influenced by the presence of the aspects of our souls residing in multiple timelines of previous physical incarnations. In a way, what we do when we receive inspiration is to take memories of astral/etheric nature from such pieces of our soul and their experiences. This is, for the most part, a subconscious way to recall other lifetimes of experience. Remember dear one, what you feel and sense and desire is a convergence of timelines in the Now moment.
However, just like in certain spiritual doctrines like Buddhism and Kabbalah, many times our recurrent dreams, desires and longings lead to a long road of expectations, hopeful mental projections of a desired future, disappointment and suffering. Our consciousness becomes plagued with constant longing, anxiety and despair. More so, if our dreams involve not only ourselves but others, an entanglement of complications plagues our bruised hearts beloveds.
In the diagram above, take as an example three lifetimes or timelines of much suffering, in which the aspect lived a service-to-self oriented life or a service-to-others oriented life. From these three aspects that are not integrated and healed in the auric field of the currently incarnated aspect comes a series of thought forms or desires taken from little moments of joy and bliss from such timelines. From those moments, the incarnated aspect longs to fulfill such dreams and desires recurrently and serve like the gas for the car that takes them through the path of life.
However, sometimes such dreams cannot be fulfilled, either because the God-self has placed the incarnated aspect into a path of more restrictions to avoid following the previous paths that lead to painful deaths and harmful relationships and decisions. Other times, such desires come to fruition over time, but at the high cost of another path of decisions that once again leads to disastrous consequences. Or simply, it just takes a considerable amount of time to allow for the conditions to be manifested within and outside of the individual to create those dreams.
Take as an example the vision of a happy couple with children in a peaceful place. The aspirant then has a goal to fulfill such desire. However, imagine that in such timelines the aspirant had for the most part a very painful life with the partner and the children, or that such union was a consequence of the destruction of a previous family. Perhaps such visions of the past or thought forms of desire are based on a selfish desire. Maybe, outer circumstances made the life of the family an impossible one to bring to a joyful outcome. If, in the first case the relationship with such family must be healed, it might take a very long and tedious road of awareness and healing to repair such timelines to manifest a peaceful outcome.
In such cases it is then when dreams, desires and longings come from places of suffering and destruction in the subconscious mind of the one who seeks to manifest a higher path towards inner peace.

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.