by Karla
How do we go about harmonizing the collective energies of Earth during times of distress?
A Look Back: Origins
A very long time ago, before we reached the point in the collective evolution of Cosmos where we stand, we were born of the basic elements, both in physical form and in spiritual form. For each experience, exploring the most basic levels of awareness in physical form, a new record in the realms of dark matter (ethers) was imprinted and permanently stored.
Over time, as the basic elements reached the complexity that gave birth to the first conscious beings, the first elemental beings emerged in spiritual form. Many of these elementals stayed in the spiritual realms, assisting in the creation of new worlds and shaping the already existing ones in harmonious and disharmonious ways.
Civilizations flourished and beings reached the capacity to understand their connection to each other, to nature itself in physical and to their elemental ancestors. Many of these elemental beings were soul aspects of each individual that lived within these complex communities.
During times when the levels of consciousness of people fell and imbalanced dependence on technological advancement became the norm, the conscious connection to nature and the elements was forgotten.
To make things more complicated, people forgot to spend time in solitude with their inner universe, their aspects, nature, their inner child, their own heart. Social and cultural standards, the pursuit of hedonistic values, along with all kinds of technological distractions, contributed to the suppression of a conscious connection to the emotional bodies of the currently incarnated aspect and the needs of other aspects that require integration and healing, coming from other timelines and realms.
We all stand now, collectively, at this point of colossal global change, in front of a polarized world that needs to shift in harmony. Groups of awakening souls pledged allegiance to a sacred vow to shift together. What sometimes many of these awakening seeds forget is that shift needs to come individually first.
There is a natural order in Creation, and part of that order is the fractalized reality that exists both physically and spiritually. In order to exert an influence in the collective, there is a need to create an inner shift, individually.
The Physics of Personal Transformation
When enough attention is placed on personal healing and integration, the changes in the auric field of each being contributes to the harmonization of the immediate surroundings and the global energetic grids and physical electromagnetic fields of Earth. The reason why inner change has great impact over the collective is because the polarity of each being is reduced, stabilized and harmonized and the discordant energies of each being that float in the collective fields disappear.
People of Earth forgot that we all are born of the elements, and as such, we carry in our personal universe or individual soul matrix of aspects, many of these elements. Even physically we are made up of water, minerals, metals and fire. Our emotions flow naturally like the water, the winds, and can be explosive like fire itself. When we suppress our deepest emotions and we do not face the need of expression of our discordant aspects, otherwise known as negative entities, demons, archons, dark beings, etc, these emotions block our natural flow of energy like rocks would block the path of the water that flows in the form of a river. Sometimes these aspects coming from other timelines might seem to act as our enemies.

Now imagine, with the current global polarization of ideas, goals, belief systems, and practices, how our fragmented aspects float within the layers of the densities of the Earth and create an influence in the global environment that can be reflected in discordant weather patterns, decisions of global leaders that carry the weight of the collective shadow, and turmoil within each household.
At some point, many awakening seeds forgot that the highest path is the one of seeking inner harmony in order to contribute to harmonious change and growth of Earth. As these basic notions were forgotten, disharmony is mirrored through all the things that now are perceived as threatening and power is constantly given away to the polarized forces that would seem to act against the collective.
The human being has the capacity to heal and integrate their currently incarnated soul aspect and their other aspects that reside in other realms, who at some point existed in physical realms. By doing so, the global polarization is reduced and the auric field of the awakening seed is empowered, harmonized and it radiates love and light that can help harmonize other discordant energies.

At this time, we face many challenges like difficult weather phenomena, political, economical and social conflicts, conflicts with close soulmate connections and the impression of negative astral forces as the consequence of lack of proper integration and healing.
Harmonizing the Collective
In order to bring back a long lost peaceful paradigm of people of different races with spiritual aspects from different species, elements and civilizations coexisting in harmony with each other, first we need to create inner harmony. By disconnecting as much as possible from the dramas beheld outside, and spending time in solitude we can embrace all our suppressed emotions, the mind can find rest from the constant chatter, the body can regain its physical strength and health and our aspects can find a home within our hearts.
Many souls who find greater inner strength, harmony and peace of mind can overcome even the most challenging technological advancements, apparently unreachable global conflicts, and other situations that reflect the global polarization. By opening up to our inner disharmony and healing it, the ones who are connected to us are then forced to face their own disharmony even further, creating a ripple effect.
When we place our attention to specific goals that can further perpetuate the illusions of separation and conflict, we feed the global polarization. When we believe that those who reflect back to us darkness are truly our enemies, we miss the opportunity to detach from them, and instead attend to the needs of our own feelings and our own heart. When we support certain movements, we might actually contribute to the polarization of our world even further.
When we are intellectually convinced that certain groups in physical, beings in spiritual form, or even parts of our own soul need to be eradicated, suppressed, destroyed, dissolved or ignored, then, as a Cosmic attempt to reach a balance, these aspects of Creation will only knock on our doors more loudly and the polarization within and outside increases. Think of this process as an equation.
If instead, we go back to our inner space, without outer distraction, and we ask ourselves honestly why these factors are affecting our lives and the lives of other loved ones we care about, and the collective, then we might be able to open up to new perspectives. We can acknowledge all our feelings and bring them from the lost mental planes above us, down to the emotional planes and down to the physical. The spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies are washed with the light of lost aspects and lost fragments of our individual universal soul matrix. The lost aspects and fragments that reside in the collective planetary layers that create disharmony come back to us and we assist ourselves and the planet as a whole.
What You Can Do to Change the World
Seek a meditation practice in which you can sit and spend time with your inner universe, bringing back all discordant energies that affect you and the collective of Earth. When certain situations in your own life and the planet as a whole bring distress to you, ask your Higher Self, your shadow self, your aspects, your team of guides, to help you bring these energies from the spiritual realms, down to the mental, emotional and physical planes, especially intend to open up to all emotions. The ones that do not belong to you will leave your energetic space.
While you meditate on these beliefs, thought patterns and emotions, breathe constantly, ground yourself and open up to the experience. Place yourself in a space of neutrality, not favoring anything that might be part of the collective polarization. For example, do not intend to fight against any particular being, group of beings, paradigm, etc, but acknowledge your feelings towards anything that bring discomfort in any way.
Remember how you are part of everything, yet you are unique, and as such you are part of a world that seeks harmony, balance, and respect for anything that represents forms of individual expression, group expressions and global expressions. If there are expressions of this world that you support, know that by holding the rest in a space of neutrality, instead of working against them, you do not renounce to that which you feel defines you as an individual. Contrary to that, you empower yourself, embrace the rest with love and become more proactive in positive creative ways.

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.
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Excellent! A crystal clear explanation and guide. It all stems within each one of us before we can even begin to change the world; for we are the world! Thank you!
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Love and blessings to you Veronica!!