by Karla
“Sometimes my eyes appear of different color when I take pictures of myself. It happens randomly. Even when I was a teenager people would tell me that I had very beautiful eyes, of a color that is not my natural color, and they were convinced of what they saw.”
That is what an old acquaintance said to me, at the time we interacted online. The inner pressure within me and within her escalated, and we both could not handle the rage anymore. We were both puzzled, confused and wondering if we had been part of a personal unfinished ancient battle in past lives. Some time after, I stopped hearing from her, and finally, the betrayal happened. As I scrolled down to a site, I was frozen and shocked to see what this lady had done. Oddly enough, I was guided to that site by a series of incidents, as if I was meant to find out about the betrayal.
I had a very strong impression that this woman had been a black magician, and a very powerful angelic being with a golden aura. I was too young back then, in my early 20’s, so I felt that this was a very bad karmic joke that I could not cope with too well. The strength, inherent power and twisted wisdom that I felt from this lady made me feel shrunk, like I was no match to her in any way. I felt crushed to pieces. That was but a story of many that I had to deal with several times, and indirectly witnessing some massive grotesque cases.
The bitter taste of defeat faded away, but something told me that I had not dealt with the core wound of the betrayal, no matter how much soul retrieval I attempted. Almost a decade later a revelation of sorts would finally put an end to a severe crucible.
One night, without warning, I thought about this lady, and how she had gone through a radical transformation in her life at all levels. At the time I met her, she was only getting started with such intense transformation. I found in very old files some pictures she showed to me of an earlier stage in her life. The eye color was definitely different, the hair style, the clothes, the activities in which she was involved, everything about her was totally different, and dark. In more recent pictures, her energy had changed to portray a much more fragile and innocent woman. Her appearance was very different, and her natural eye color did show up. The energy…in both sets of pictures, that was a huge clue. The soul vibration did not match!
As I felt the energy and the trauma, I was visited by a very imposing female. Tremendous aura full of power and authority, and a very familiar soul vibration. I could see her with acute clarity in my inner vision, a lady with golden hair and clear blue eyes. A flair of Paganic wisdom, and much more emanated from her. I heard her speaking clearly and she explained that, back then, at the time of the betrayal, it was in reality her, the one who had taken over part of the consciousness of the lady I met ten years ago. For personal reasons that were not revealed to me, the lady in physical in her fragmented state had embodied for a very long time part of the energy of this powerful presence. As for myself, I got a clearer image of a huge squabble between her, another lady and myself, and probably some other ladies in Ancient Egypt. The squabble happened for too many reasons, and this conflict extended to several lifetimes.
Since there was no way for me to meet this lady physically, we had an agreement that, while part of her would work with the other lady taken over, at the time of our meeting the deep wound would be opened and partly reproduced. Ironically, in her fully manifested spiritual form, the powerful lady was very sweet and wise, and treated me with delicacy. I could not avoid but feeling, at a level, a loving connection.
Is there a rationale in such horrific case of possession? Whether it was the best way for some karmic contracts to be played out and released, I cannot really tell, but I can tell the reasons why this phenomenon can happen to anyone, and why it is more frequent among certain groups of people, than what most are aware of.
To be continued…

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.