by Karla
Conscious remembrance of what once was an ancient myth
If you have payed close attention to the ancient myths and the illustrations that have accompanied such stories, you might have noticed the presence of beings that have shaped our collective path. Our understanding of such beings has shifted dramatically during the last decades. This is especially true for the generations of awakened souls who hold consciously the remembrance of long forgotten librettos.
As pieces of a Cosmic puzzle have arrived in the form of photonic emissions and other higher vibrational waves of awareness, we understand that there is truth in what once was seen as mythological folklore. Even in Sci-Fi there are hidden pieces of subconscious evolution of yet to be recalled species and spaces in vastness.
Within the awakened generations lies the pieces of extensive history that has, in one way or another, being brought to life through uncountable expressions on Earth. It is through your cultural expressions, institutions, technological advancements, ideologies and tastes that you have brought what you once had above and around, in other sectors of the Universe. This fact is still awaiting for the awakened ones to be understood even further as their veil of forgetfulness lifts.
You have forgotten how familiar you are with that which you once had outside of the physical limits of Earth. Yet, you remember when you are conscious in your dream states, or even in waking life as you open your inner senses to see what surrounds you. Then, you find once again the memories of those spaces, or the shapes and traits of those beings that you were part of, as a member of such species or that you knew as family and friends, or even as foes.
Your own stories follow you everywhere you go, whether you are aware of it or not. It is then in these early stages of awakening that, through your mental processes, your feelings, and even your beliefs, you slowly or abruptly remembered what took place a long time ago. How it affected you, determined your initial reactions to this major shift taking place.
The initial stages of the grand awakening
For the collective, in general terms, it was the nonconformity about how institutions have operated for so long. At individual level, dynamics around family, partnerships, jobs, friendships and other social structures have proven to be often dysfunctional. For such reason, solutions have been brought in fields like social sciences, environmental sciences and spirituality. Most important, the awareness of the depths of suffering have enabled the collective to reach higher levels of empathy.
As the forerunners woke up to the levels of existence beyond the material realms, awareness of the soul took shape in many forms. Through spiritual movements and social activism, ethical practices left as legacy by our ancestors and previous incarnations have been downloaded in physical. However, they still await to flourish completely once the collective is fully in shape to embrace them at their splendor. It will be a splendor never seen before in other spaces of Cosmos that have been inhabited by humanity in whichever form individuals incarnated previously.
The minorities, who are no longer minorities as before, woke up to their Cosmic journey so far and the deep levels of interconnectedness that exists between all individuals and All that Is beyond physical life. What once was seen as myth, as invisible, as unreachable, is now part of the lives of these groups. The beauty of the Light has incorporated in the minds of the awakened ones the remembrance and knowing of uncountable Cosmic species and worlds. The process of remembrance has happened consciously or subconsciously but it has condensed in one way or another in physical.
In the minds of most Earth humans, not too long ago, the beings of our collective stories where either unreachable, simply a bedtime story for a child, or a mere superstition. In the worst cases, through the stories told by others, certain beings were to be feared. These perceptions have changed dramatically as old dogmas and rigid fearful beliefs have been replaced by a new understanding of life in Cosmos in the minds of many.
Replacing survival, fear and domination for reverence for life and spirit
There is still much work to be done though. This work is part of the great shift that is taking place and will continue to reshape life on Earth and other sectors of Cosmos. As much darkness, not only from the trajectory of humanity on Earth, but also from our Cosmic history, has been uncovered and transmuted new codes are being manifested.
As the poison of survival and fear, from natural evolutionary processes and from fabricated atavism leave the energetic and physical arenas, values reshape the way we live and the way we interact with Earth and each other.
You might have asked yourself at some point why certain energies, beings, collectives, events and spaces where being brought to the forefront through key channelers and personal communications. Apparently, broken promises of prosperity, change, and merging of positive timelines and dimensions created the sense of suspicion and disappointment, especially around the date 21-12-12 and beyond.
Everything happened as it had to, in one way or another. These factors mentioned above were of utmost importance to be addressed and to be present these years for the simple reason of giving closure to ancestral Cosmic conflicts. By allowing the discomforts of the past to be felt, mostly at the emotional level, both off-world and Earth conflicts of the vault of experience could be released in ways you could not consciously understand. Remembrance is far from over. A large portion of these conflicts has already been healed through this collective effort. Another part is yet to be understood and recalled with greater depth.
Ancestral Cosmic wars, conflicts arising naturally from the differences among species and structural flaws becoming evident could be healed. The healing process has enabled the prevention of further negative outcomes to manifest. Things could have been much worse on Earth by now had it not been for the conscious and subconscious process of release.
Echoes of the past still plague our awareness, especially at the energetic level where people can see these energies as current conflicts. In reality, much of what is perceived as conflict in spiritual realms are the residual energies of what took place in physical. These energies are still waiting for humanity to embrace them with acceptance and forgiveness. Only then will they disappear and bring forth further levels of beauty and harmony in physical.
Life on Earth, as imbalanced and chaotic as it still seems to be, is much more balanced and diverse than what was experienced in the past in other sectors of Cosmos. Part of the discomforts experienced these decades has arisen through the awareness of conflicts provoked by once incompatible species and lack of firm values.
Ancient conflicts that took place eons ago in heavenly and hellish physical and non-physical realms, between angelic and demonic races, mammalian, bird, marine and reptilian societies, human and non-human species, organic and artificial intelligence, the ones who governed and the ones governed, and spiritual and material societies has reached an unprecedented level of healing not experienced before. The best and the worst of our Universal past has been brought forth to one single sphere of life: Earth.
The future of Earth and sectors of Cosmos
The extremes have been conciliated like never before on Earth, even if this does not seem to be the case. What was once fully idyllic or fully dreadful outside, has been replayed for final resolution and brought to a new balance, especially within ourselves. Blood shedding has turned to concern and proactive attitude for millions. Meanwhile, others who still reside in these lower levels of consciousness will follow over time. Millions will complete these harsh lessons and reincarnate to become part of the new consciousness. Others who are already awakened, will leave as many have already done so, and come back for something even better. Or they can choose to stay longer in holographic realities that emulate their old home worlds in physical.
Much will change over time as Science provides new answers for what was not understood or seen merely as incomplete assumptions and superstition. Technology will change the way humanity lives, bringing forth some of the best expressions from other Cosmic sectors and Earth civilizations like Atlantis.
Spirituality will take a new form that incorporates the knowledge on how matter affects the spiritual, in contrast with what your current spiritual movements tell you about the spiritual affecting matter, which is incomplete. Rigid dogmas will be replaced by higher spiritual knowledge and a different understanding of what the ancient masters brought to Earth. Less conflicts based on religious beliefs will manifest and new forms of cooperation will emerge among countries and races. Honesty will become the norm at some point.
Galactic and Universal conflicts will no longer affect the collective of Earth. Instead new paradigms in your institutions and other social structures will manifest as a result of the conscious or subconscious acceptance of long forgotten Cosmic paradigms that existed in physical in other star systems.
Rigid beliefs among the awakened communities will be uplifted even further removing the current struggles in relationships, including the relationship with those who held positions of power in other worlds and your current world in ancient civilizations, accelerating the healing process of the current ones in power.
Colonies within the solar system will be built and further space exploration will happen after the major changes take place on Earth. However, humanity must integrate first their own extraterrestrial past and become enlightened Cosmic humans before these long term plans for space exploration manifest without major conflicts.
The current people who have been spreading lies and distortions in relationship to humanity and alien life, including false new age teachings will be replaced. The notion that the current ET beings contacting humanity are mostly their own aspects coming from other timelines will be acknowledged. At this time, these false teachers are opening a portal in the consciousness of humanity to create false ET scenarios that enable people to open up to ancestral Galactic and Universal wounds and release them. You could say that there is a higher purpose in these lies being spread in order to replay many of these old wounds. Such distortions include the idea that reptilians walk among people in physical, unless in very rare cases a human can use consciously or unconsciously an ancestral reptilian aspect to shape-shift or a being without a physical body can materialize very briefly.
True ET contact taking place at this time is based mostly on the conscious contact with interdimensional beings that come from other timelines to become integrated into their current incarnated forms as Earth humans. Other forms of contact are replications of ancient events taking place on Earth between human beings, for several reasons. Cosmos is a vast playground, but humanity is not ready to reach other sectors of the Universal tapestry if a degree of collective healing is not reached. First, life on Earth must change and true values must be applied in order to become a global community based on unity and respect for diversity.
There is still much to behold, much inner work to be done and conscious effort to create the major shift. A global change cannot happen without conscious effort from many. Cosmic waves of energy are transforming humanity, but a lengthy process of assimilation must take place. Conscious integration of these energies is preferable over waiting for something to change in the outer. As many work on transmuting the old timelines, life on Earth and Cosmos heals. Perseverance leads to great rewards.

Karla Damarelya is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management.
She began her awakening process through the vivid experiences of feeling and knowing the interconnectedness of individuals at the soul level since 2006 and the depth of harmony and disharmony in human relationships. Since then, having studied some basic healing methods, psychology and some notions from social and natural sciences, and amassed knowledge through her own spiritual practices, she has gained a greater understanding of the fundamental contribution of these disciplines and their deficiencies in trying to address individual and collective problems if we only approach them through the lenses of one or a few of these disciplines.
Instead, through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.