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1/ Territorial Topography

Random circuits would offer the best means of evading pursuit, but certain courses could provide greater promise. Thus, the human refugees contacted the publics of those worlds where they were less likely to be tracked. Among these were several which were close to access for other aspects of universal expression. Simply put, they aimed for worlds where dimensional portals existed nearby. This afforded them protection and a greater means of moving toward better knowledge of their enemies’ emergence points by maintaining watch. From within the reality of the interdimensional space, the refugees could remain undetectable, unreachable.

Thus have humans managed to survive. When the marauders first arrived, it was without warning that they attacked, and without mercy. To this day, humans who trace any part of their lineage to the Lyran planetary civilizations from that epoch still bear the print of the terror in their code. For some, it can explain an innate fear of certain creatures, while for others, it may reflect in a kind of murderous madness. So disruptive was the initial onslaught and so brutal the events which followed, that humanity as a whole has yet to heal, integrate, and become whole. Holographically, the initial future continues to manifest to some degree or other. Yet, humanity, as a whole, has most certainly survived. Humanity has adapted, and transformed.

From the broken cradle of Lyra, the seeds of human civilization, genetics, and culture dispersed through the local galactic fields. The human form is not unique to this particular galaxy, but it has proven to be quite remarkable nonetheless.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

To this day, humans who trace any part of their lineage to the Lyran planetary civilizations from that epoch still bear the print of the terror in their code. #pleiadian #ninespath Share on X

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