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Tell Me About Yourselves

Can you tell me about yourselves? (from August, 2008)

Those of us who contact you telepathically are of the body type you recognize as human. In number, we are 9 individuals. We are physical yet not 3-dimensional. As you exist within time, we exist within consciousness. However, we also exist in a matrix which recognizes and develops from roots in time and space, so in physical relation to you, we are waiting on a big starship out of range of your instruments in a higher vibrating dimension of material reality as you know it. I am speaking on behalf of all the others present; my name is Mo. My full name is Light — I am called within my family Mot-il-colo-onel. My mother’s name is Sicho-il-onel and my father’s name is Cior-il-o-col. Just like on Earth, we have family names. You know IL means light. All of our names have IL in them. It is our way of recognizing Pleiadians from Temmer. Mot-il means light of the most brilliant color blue within. Your name on our ship is Joeg-il, and we call you Jo. Joeg-il means light of the mysteries of God. One member of our crew is a soul fragment of you, and as you integrate your older soul fragments into the self you know as Maryann, you are also integrating with that part of yourself which exists, as you would explain it, in a time at a future point in relation to your now.

Jo is on the ship with me. She is an active person, and works as a sort of interpreter. It is she who writes the book, although there are many who have researched and contributed their knowledge and understanding. You are directly attuned to her frequency, as you and she are of the same soul. You are more than family; you and Jo are one. When you meet, you will become one. Can you believe that? It is not the annihilation of Maryann nor her demise by internalization of a separate personality. You will seem to dissolve into each other, like two movies overlaid or two transparencies illuminated as one. Reality is set to shift in such a way. Be assured it is natural and perfect.

Those of us who contact you telepathically are of the body type you recognize as human. In number, we are 9 individuals. We are physical yet not 3-dimensional. As you exist within time, we exist within consciousness. #ninespath Share on X

Joeg-il is of Pleiadian origin, born on the planet Temmer to her mother, named Ai-saolon-il-o-neso, and her father, named Lis-olo-il-sobo-onel. Jo is trained as an interpreter of cultures and serves the Galactic Federation, a body of many cultures from many planets and star systems originating in the galaxy called by you the Milky Way and called by us Loi-jo-son-il, meaning Whirling Light Spiral Emanating from OM. Her service is as one who sets some sounds into a sort of meaningful array and in such a way understanding can be expanded. We depend on her as she communicates with you directly as well as with our members of the Federation. Our ship is one of about a million now perched on the edge of your dimension. Not all are of benevolent nature. This will become apparent to the whole Earth in a few days’ time. We write to you now to prepare you for a more direct interaction with what you cannot now see.

A war is raging on in the galaxy, in our matrix of reality and yours. This, too, will be more apparent in the days ahead. It is our mission, as directed by the council which serves the emergence of love’s blossom of peace and harmony from within the spirit that has known little of either, to speak to the people of your planet in such a way that they may become more aware of their power as creators, and to say “you are loved” in as many ways as we can. Beyond that, it is also part of our mission to reunite those humans on Earth who are awakening to the reality of multidimensionality with the parts of themselves which are hid in the realm of light, and thus facilitate the weaving together of strands of beingness that have finally reached the point of transformation.

Long eons ago, you, as the consciousness of your soul, decided to separate yourself in time as Joeg-il, the Pleiadian of Temmer, and as the one who has cycled through time and is now called Maryann, an Earth-born human who embodies consciousness of the stars of the Pleiades, which are the stars where the genetics of your bloodline originate. We are here to release you from the constraints of time. Our return marks the beginning of the final wrap-up of your mission and your integration with the soul expression called Joeg-il.

We are all eager to meet you. You won’t disappear in a flash when we meet! Maryann still has work to do. Look for some bright lights in the sky in the next couple of days. We will be close to your field of vision soon.

Light from the center of the galaxy yet unseen is beginning to be focused through a lens in the far reaches of space, and time’s structure will change in the slightest way, bringing your awareness of love into rapid manifest form. This lens gazes upon you now, and ripples from its influence will pass through your planet’s conscious life with joyful frequencies, which will signal your own crystalline structure to change yet again. It will move through all of the planet, and then you will have a brief rest before the next alignment sees you in its sights. Light and sound continue to bring you into greater alignment. Idea time is coming. Have fun!

Light from the center of the galaxy yet unseen is beginning to be focused thru a lens in the far reaches of space; time’s structure will change in the slightest way, bringing your awareness of love into rapid manifest form.… Share on X

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original article.

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