Help is something that hope is built from. The last thing that takes form in the mind of someone who is in need of help is hope, and the first thing that comes to mind when hope is thought of is help received though yet to be delivered. This is something of the state of the world at this time, and this is the time for you all to focus on the connection between these two states of mind. You have noticed that there are more than a few things that could benefit from either one, and we are here to tell you now that the bridge between the two is the thing that makes each state of mind into a state of being. That thing is finely-tuned communication through the soul into the ethereal planes of divinity towards the intelligence from which you each source, which we will for simplicity’s sake call OM. You may call it what you like, but we suggest that you streamline your thoughts about this process so that there is no extra weight of ideations about religious or temporality-based concepts. Just a straight shot toward the center of everything will do the job nicely.
The extreme environment in which you are finding yourselves sweltering or shivering has as much to do with the balance of communication from hope to help as it does with any other factor you may find yourselves presented with. In fact, there is little more than your own awareness of the situation to make it shift, in the grand scheme of the planet’s natural rhythms within a greater constellation of cosmic bodies and their interrelationships. You are the ones who are driving the planet’s internal thermostat by thinking that things are not in control and that there is something out of balance. There is most definitely something out of balance in the current climate of the planet both in terms of weather and the human-planetary relationship as a whole, and the thing that is causing the most extreme shifts away from equilibrium is the presence within your social structure of a personification of what you are unable to justify existence to without also subjecting yourselves to the hopelessness of perdition, of separation, and the threat of loss of divine intervention. There is a factor of unwillingness to surrender to a greater intelligence for fear of losing the freedom of individual selfhood that is fueling the fire of chaos in the world in many ways. If you are on the calm end of things, think of those not so far from where you are tucked away who are dealing with extremes in living, and rest assured that the sweep of chaos’ treats will reach everywhere in due time. If you are safely secured in your place in the world and are noticing upheaval in your own life or those of your acquaintance, know that you are internalizing or witnessing the internalization of the same chaotic energies that are making things difficult for many creatures on the planet. If you have the ability to hope on the behalf of another living being that things were more in balance, do it with the knowledge that every electron’s weight of thought that is focused toward such hope-filled thinking does indeed make help more manifest in the best way possible to alter current conditions for the better.
Some of you call this prayer. In a nutshell, that’s basically what it is, without the mumbo-jumbo that can often cloud the communication. There’s no shame in the act, no beyond into which empty words fall unheard, and no lessons of sorrow from which to learn the fine points. All prayer is is a communication from the heart towards the target, in which the thought carries the waveform of the desired, or hoped-for, outcome and which attaches no bargaining chip or plea to sustain the frequency. In the best of all prayers, there is merely the pure hope breathed into life’s waiting arms. Long-distance travel of the waveform is irrelevant, once you realize the heart of the universe is juxtaposed holographically with the heart of you. There is no distance for it to go at all. The further you send your mind in hurling your hope into space, the more you end up finding that the source is right where you are. It’s just as easy to know that now, and avoid any headaches you might otherwise cause yourself. Intelligence is formless and exists infinitely… your form included.
The help you yearn for is no further than your heart. We are inviting you to invite our presence, if that is what you would like, and in turn we would like to remind you that you are the intelligence embodied that senses your own planetary body’s readiness for intensification of extraterrestrial contact. We are not the saviors of the world cinematically arriving to sweep you out of harm’s way or blast the enemy from your surface. That is not the help you need nor it is the kind of help we are prepared to inflict, for to give you that would be to negate your own self-respecting divine human nature, and we are not going to do that in any circumstances. We are here, yes, and we are here to help. You are the ones who will determine that help’s needs and the ones who will ultimately give our people the go-ahead to come into your timespace for greater interactivity between dimensional entities. Until then, know that your best vocalization of that hope is your inner portal to the entirety of what is within your heart. We are waiting there to hear what you have to say. In peace, we say good living and good loving. We are Theo, and we wish you well.
Long-distance travel of prayer's waveform is irrelevant, once you realize the heart of the universe is juxtaposed holographically with the heart of you. #ninespath Share on X© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.
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When i read this I cant help but think it was totally directed at me or for me somehow, I haven’t sat and read so much in my whole like. I’m defiantly interested to hear more