“Loads of mellow squashes to … (?).” The diagram seems to be a map of what “could only be a nebula”. Noted are “portal to God, on the way home, OM doorway, or… critical mass node of light, star called by you Alcyone.”
“Five is part of Nine. All are. Five teaches you the skill of thought control of yourself, how to be without the doer getting involved and allow the be-er do without interference. It is important for you to learn this now. Much is going to change quickly now and you must be able to help. 5 is about your interaction with core issues in your life as a love do rather than a leave be. 5 is here to help you become more whole through love of self.”
“The modulator of the mind of the thinker of the thought ‘I AM’ in the center of your heart, sun, galactic (*) which leads to the Now of (?) and …”
Then follows a picture of a fire-breathing dragon becoming a “happy dragon”… and an invitation to me to do the week’s message.
July 2008
Loads of Mellow Squashes

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