Notes from The Order

How the Chaos Ends

You Are Ready

Take a Last Look at the State of the World
a message from Borgareil of the League of Light Where you see trouble brewing, recognize the hand of God at work. Be well aware that more of the story will be revealed by observing than by blinding yourselves by misguided, if well-meaning, assumptions. Everything is

The Signal
You’ve come to a point in your history when you’re about to see everything change. You’ve had some inklings of this, and you’ve had some people predicting things based on numbers and what they’ve seen and what they’re feeling. You’re feeling things and you’re seeing

The Signal: Original Video edition
The time of transformation is upon us, we are in it, we are the wave of change that is about to see everything transform in an instant of fully-lit awareness. In the midst of a world turbulent with speculation, uncertainty, imbalance, and accelerated evolvement, the

It Is Time to Ask Why: Video
Now is the time to come together. To share our strength and collectively cast off the shroud of fear that has been imposed upon the planet for eons. It is time to find the answers within about the truth of why we are here, and

Making Time for Yourself
Yanking the mask off the face of the faceless ones is no small feat. They are purposely difficult to see and can put any argument ahead of any attempt to point them out as perpetrators of any universal no-no. When you are stomping out fires

Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine: Now Is Here
Do you anticipate some sort of collapse and inevitability regarding your planet’s movement into a more enlightened state of being? You are already seeing the foundations shake. Soon everything will shift into a more comfortable arrangement for your own movement into a state of transformed