
5/ World of Home: Lyran Civilization
From one thought, whole worlds can come into existence. So it is with many worlds which sustain civilizations, your own among them. The worlds of the stars of Lyra likewise came into being in response to the thought, arising from within the core of divine

4/ The Peaceful People: Lyran Civilization
The roots of galactic human civilization, including that of Earth as you know it, are essentially Lyran. With variations slight or large, all truly human civilizations can consider that their present culture and rituals derive from the stars of Lyra. No other civilization has had

3/ Beginning a New Home World
Far away from native skies, humans set foot on land unlike any other their feet had trodden before. The vault of stars above their heads told a new tale, one that they would in time weave into a new story of their past. From those

2/ The Human Frailty
When the population from the Lyran system fled, it was with a great history and enduring sense of self that they went. Of course, they were fleeing destruction, so more had to be carried in their memory than could be carried in their hands. What

1/ Territorial Topography
Random circuits would offer the best means of evading pursuit, but certain courses could provide greater promise. Thus, the human refugees contacted the publics of those worlds where they were less likely to be tracked. Among these were several which were close to access for

Who Is Theo?
Who is Theo? This question had been much on my mind since coming into contact with this source, as there are other people here bringing forth messages from Theo. This message is in answer to that question, and to the question of Theo’s plan. Theo

In Itself, Life Is Invincible: The Inevitability of Transformation
We speak to you today from the point of view of people who have managed to stay alive for a very long time, in your terms. Most of us live well into our 900’s, some longer than a thousand years. How then do we counsel