Incisive and poetic, the direct transmissions started coming through in a new way just after the midpoint of 2020. With perfect timing and penetrating precision, LOL DMs serve as power points of guidance in turbulent terrain.
Visit the Message Board to scan through all the DMs. They’re collected in one easy-to-read place for your greater insight. Amplify your experience!
The DMs from the LOL and their celestial contingent are distilled into graphic format. The images are optimized for easy sharing on social media or to keep for reflection, meditation, and inspiration. Download your favorites!
Direct Messages from the League of Light
Compact capsules of guidance. Perfect timing, straight to the point.

Now You Can Remember
Can you remember who you are? We are here to remind you. It is part of our mission to awaken your dormant memory. As you move forward into the space of uncharted territory, less will distract you from your core knowing. Remembrance will arise. a direct message from the League of Light Click to enlarge/download: […]

Soon You Will See
Knowledge of the plan only goes so far in understanding the whole picture. A missing piece comes into view. Do you see what happens when you drop the need to know and embrace the longing to understand? The picture shifts. What was hidden comes into focus. Nine will train your vision. Give yourself the benefit […]

Stellar Coordination
​Under the operative conditions that are currently in place, you can see only a kaleidoscope image of reality. The wheel of time turns; the image shifts. Eventually, it will fall into perfect clarity. Then, you will do what you have been destined to do as a people of a planet. We will greet you as […]

The House Gets Real
​Take down your notices of vacancy. The trump card has a direct application to creating the conditions in which all vacancies are either filled or eliminated. The hand reaches to flip the deck. Before you can believe it, a card falls from a sleeve and all bets are off. a direct message from the League […]

The Light Breaks
Regiments follow the course of time’s flow. The orders Nine bares reveal the glory of divine knowledge of the most brilliant light. The scintillating variety of wavelengths in this light can best be described as opalescent. With deft precision, you as the regiments of light are about to reveal a stunning display of mere perfection. […]

Source Codes
Send your mind the codes of miracle-making. You carry them. Access them by removing everything that is not of your authenticity. Learn to source-code yourself. Come back to the prime code by finding the pattern of your primary soul integrational message. You are love’s silent remedy for the Nemesis creation chaos built. Be the code […]

Find the Way Back Home
Bring your collective faith to the awareness that the hand of God is moving. Lead each other through the dark by creating a chain of energetic connection. Let this be love. Follow love’s lead as it moves through you. This will release the hold of doubt, fear, or uncertainty that is currently stalking the land. […]

From Within the Body of Humanity
To do nothing is to be nullified. To sit in silence need not be to do nothing, yet it presents a conundrum. Go into your core and experience the silence that dwells therein. OM speaks there. Listen to what arises from the core of the silence being given voice today. Everything is set to change […]

The Space Between
a message from the League of Light Hard as the path has been, the way ahead is less troublesome than you may wish to imagine. The debris of generations of misappropriated power is at a rational end. Rome is ready to go. The joy and morbid fear will meet to seek common ground. Where can […]

Time to Choose
a message from the League of Light Our direct interaction with your world is limited by nature and a security vote by all who are part of the forces of the League of Light. There do exist certain overrides which can and will be activated, when doing so can keep the entirety of the planetary […]

The Day of Transformation Now Opens the Way
a message from the League of Light The time of transformation has come. You will be free of the creations of false light. Time will rectify itself and allow a free flow of data from source to you. The ones you have thought yourselves to be will give way to the ones you always thought […]

A Day of Great Joy Dawns
a message from the League of Light Many days have passed since your world was truly free. The long night is ending. Know that you stand at the outer edge of great change. As the light breaks on time’s rebirth, together you will have a taste of what is to come. The quorum of joy […]

Reality Shifts into a Clear Focus: Day Four
a message from the League of Light Just in front of your eyes is a vision, out of focus but becoming clearer by the day. Keep your mind trained on the will to see clearly while maintaining the inner relaxed state of peaceful trust of the perfect workings of the divine cosmos. The truth has […]

Learn the Language of Love: Day Three
a message from the League of Light Do people know what is happening to the degree that they can explain it? Precision is not necessary when learning how to throw a ball. It only becomes necessary when learning how to control where the ball goes is the aim. You have already learned how to speak […]

The Great Reset: Day Two
a message from the League of Light Time will move backward when the world’s timekeepers step away from the machine. Let it re-establish itself without trying to control its movements. Right on time, the pace will drive time forward. As soon as everything is set aright, gauges will account for the reckoning. Click to enlarge/download: […]

When the Load Weighs on Your Mind: Day One
a message from the League of Light Time is about to break. Wheels are already grinding to a halt. A known vector arrives at the temporal coordinates set in monumental alignment. Long ago, the pattern was set. Now, the unraveling begins. Laced into the Earth, the advent writes its story. Click to enlarge/download: © Maryann […]

Let It Be Known
a message from the League of Light Regal blood prays for release from the veins of the Earth. Divine sources speak of miraculous intervention; it is from those who live on and of the Earth who carry the blood of humanity’s highest imprint of divine reckoning. It is they who will lead the way to […]

Say So Long
a message from the League of Light Your name is known by the mind that breathes life into you. Currents of thought that source from the atmosphere stir within you a sense of breath moving through the planet’s body. A deep sleep ends. A yawn escapes from the awakened ones. The dream lives on but […]

Role Playing
a message from the League of Light While the light gathers and connections are remade, you will begin to remember in force who you are. Currents of time converge. Phases near completion while new arenas open. Step boldly into what awaits. The people you are destined to become inculcates a connection. Time will settle into […]

Moon Shine
a message from the League of Light The moon will speak. Smile at the moon in its joy of illumination. Pray for the moon when it is dark. When it is dark, it is illuminated by the body of the Earth. You are the binding structure of the Earth’s light. Pray that the moon in […]

Today Changes Everything
a message from the League of Light Know the time of transformation is fully engaged. Many now will come to the point of madness, many to ecstasy, some to despair, others to oblivion. Most will carry out the day understanding that in moving through it, they are becoming the one they have been seeking. Move […]

The Journey Begins at Dawn
a message from the League of Light Begin the process of separation and move toward OM. All who heed the call to return OMward are hearing the voice of love and responding with faith. There is honor and integrity in that. Keep your beacon tuned to that frequency and be aware of those who are […]

Pain Comes But in Dreams of Darkness
a message from the League of Light Bright is the day that arrives after a night of sorrows. The opened eyes of one who has found a way to morning take in light as a direct source of life and knowing. We are the show and the showers of light. The awakened ones already know. […]

To the End, Pray for Peace
a message from the League of Light Tygers are coming. The stars will fall. Over the sea will come the sound of a prayer, and when that echoes, the war will be over. Remember the core words of the prayer. Bring each other home. Download the shareable image. Click to enlarge:   © Maryann […]

One Will Emerge
a message from the League of Light Who will emerge in the final revelation of truth? The one that has always been present. The one who lives within the one who lives. The true one lives beneath the veneer of projected ideas and emotional deification of ideals. You are the one who is set to […]

Raw Power Moves Now
a message from the League of Light As urgent as the current state of change has suddenly become, it is imperative that those of you who are sworn to serving the awakening of humanity stay as centered and grounded as possible. War will not tear the world apart, but it is something you must contend […]

Call and Response of Love Is One
a message from the League of Light Nine carries love. You are of Nine when you sonically comb your meditation. Handy mantras will apply the love words to your internal energetic circuitry. We ask that you use mantras based in love to disentangle yourselves from the legacy of lies and faulty belief structures. You will […]

Lost No More
a message from the League of Light The day is long that the call draws you home. Unending is the light that has grown dim within the walls of the labyrinth. The light remains; the walls crumble. Know the modulation turns the corner that associates your way with the truth of who you are. Download […]

Rise Like Tomorrow’s People
a message from the League of Light Rise to a day of energetic dominance over the ministrations of fear. To make the nation of joy become the world of love’s autonomy requires great courage in the face of dark pervasive gaps of light. All will rise who let the joy triumph. Only this will remove […]

Ready and Willing
a message from the League of Light You come to a demarcation barrier between your known reality and the one ahead of you. You’ll be moving toward it steadily, but as you are nearly at it, a new message from us is in order. Time is brief: we will speak. Listen to what we have […]

A Moment to Remember
a message from the League of Light Time will soon become a thing of the past. When long hours become days, you will know what time is not. The coming shift jolts empathy into high gear. Stay centered, be calm. On the other side, you will find peace. Download the shareable image. Click to enlarge: […]

a message from the League of Light Within a dot of light rests the potential of sacred sound. Move into it and give it voice, and witness the formation of the first vibration emerge from within you. As vibration moves through you, it activates the dormant sources of light your form enshrines. Be within that […]

Parsing Time
a message from the League of Light You are the carriers of codes. Draw yourselves together. Time converges now. You’re seeing events intensify. When all timelines converge, soon will become now. Look at the messages you wrote. They were relevant for the time you wrote them, when we gave them, but they are more relevant […]

Remember Who You Are
Message from the League of Light Remember who you are. It has never been so vital that you remember as it is now. Draw your awareness, gather your accessible consciousness, and move past belief. You’ll begin to remember everything. Then you’ll know how to move ahead. Click image to download. See more graphic messages in […]

Darkness Is Your Fear
Message from the League of Light The only darkness is your fear. It is what you don’t know that keeps you up at night. In an instant, you can be free. Decide to acknowledge that you will know what you need to know at the time you need to know it. Trust your eternal Self […]

End of the Map
Message from the League of Light You will see the end of the map.A new world is being born. Everything will change. All you have will fade. Let go of the home of your dreams and open yourself to the home of your true divine reality. What comes is more wonderful than you have dared […]

Rasa Is Liquid Love
Message from the League of Light Rasa is liquid love coming from the core of your being. When it reaches your heart, you become alive. When it reaches your crown, you become human. When it reaches the outer levels of your being, you become something beyond. When it is everywhere, you have come home. Click […]
Celestial briefs from The Master, The Order, and the Men of Light
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