News Updates
News and updates to the Nine’s Path website and related projects. Some personal updates appear on “Mastering the Illusion”. For Maryann’s main Bends of Light blog, click here to be redirected to its new home.
New Meditation on Bends of Light
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“Lightships” Release!!
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Nine’s Path on Telegram
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Coming attractions as Nine’s Path comes out of the road onto the highway
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The Master’s Chamber Door Opens…
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Expanding Roles in the Community
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Lightships World Premiere!
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Mission Update: Pulling Back
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Midweek Signal: New Group Feature
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Release the Program, Exit the Matrix
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Core Matrix Change Now in Hardcover
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Mission Update: You Are Here
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DMs from the League of Light
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Celestial Navigation on Nine’s Path
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Introducing Renegade Q&A
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Temporal Markers: The List
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Nine, Cycles, and Things to Come
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Videos Now on Brighteon and BitChute
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Weekly Video Messages
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Pleiadian Light Language Dictionary Expands
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New on FAQ: Is There a God?
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Special Thanks: Donor Downloads
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Lightships Is Moving Along
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“Lightships” Indiegogo Launch: Participate in Filmmaking
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Pleiadian Renegades Movie Is Coming
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New Contributions
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Weaving Opalescent Strands: Excerpts
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Checking In Between Readings: New Tarot Format
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The Video Machine Is Running Again: A Techy Inside Look
Everything you wanted to know — and stuff you didn’t even know you wanted to know but will appreciate nonetheless — about video production on Nine’s Path. A Bigger Picture: Video Upgrades While I did study video production and film in college, that was just before avi became a thing, when we were still using […]
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Mastering the Illusion
A personal blog detailing the process of transformation both inner and global, with insights into my own journey, through the lens of Nine. For Maryann’s Bends of Light blog, go here.
Hell Knows Its Own
This depicts my experience of writing, with an energetic being teaching from the side, a thought bubble above, and 9 whispering from the other side. FacebookTweetPinYummlyPrintEmailShares58
Witnesses Will Speak
This depicts my experience of writing, with an energetic being teaching from the side, a thought bubble above, and 9 whispering from the other side. FacebookTweetPinYummlyPrintEmailShares40
Torpid Autumn Days
This depicts my experience of writing, with an energetic being teaching from the side, a thought bubble above, and 9 whispering from the other side. FacebookTweetPinYummlyPrintEmailShares76
Sol Acts Up
This depicts my experience of writing, with an energetic being teaching from the side, a thought bubble above, and 9 whispering from the other side. FacebookTweetPinYummlyPrintEmailShares85
End of Phase: That’s a Wrap
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How Deep the Soul Whispers
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My Complicated Relationship with Predictions
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Love and Pain
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The Video Machine Is Running Again: A Techy Inside Look
Everything you wanted to know — and stuff you didn’t even know you wanted to know but will appreciate nonetheless — about video production on Nine’s Path. A Bigger Picture: Video Upgrades While I did study video production and film in college, that was just before avi became a thing, when we were still using […]
A Moment in the Unicorn’s Path
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Cookie Monster: Get In Line
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Timeline: A History of Nine’s Path and My Work with the League of Light
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Contributors: Companions on Nine's Path
Contributed posts by guest writers invited by the League of Light to extend and enrich their mission at this time of transformation. Click “SERIES” above to see the special collections from Nine’s Path contributors.
It’s Almost Time
A channeled message from Num’Shala “Our time is fast approaching and our arrival will be felt far and wide. We have inaudibly been observing the events unfold on your planet; and in despair with our brethren. There is a strong and accelerated movement that is fast approaching. The movement is of significant transformation. Ready or […]
Life Within the Star System of Taygeta
Note from Maryann: Karla has a unique insight into the worlds around the stars of the Pleiades, especially Temmer. Long ago, we met there; we each have memory of this. At that point in time, we had vastly different background understandings of Temmer and galactic circumstance. We became friends then and remain so today. Enjoy […]
Hope in Despair
A message of Hope and Love. Num’Shala speaks: “It is with great pleasure that I come forth today, to bring you news of hope. The time has come for our intercession. This is a time we never anticipated, but our aching hearts are eager to assist. This time of great turmoil on your planet has […]
Perception and Deception
A channeled message from Num’Shala “Brothers and sisters, we will be as candid about the coming truths as we possibly can. PERCEPTION!!!!!! Well…our perception is shifting; has shifted. How can you tell you ask? You cannot. In subtlety things will come. These changes are quite vigorous, and we do not want to cause you any […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: Redefining Your Entanglement
by Karla Entangled we are all, in one way or another in our hearts and in our souls. Our inner world is very complex and more is the world of ideas. There are too many downsides to our new age of awakening. There is a good reason why some people say that the Age of […]
Forward and Inward
by Veronica A channeled message from Num’Shala Message: “And so we move forth in the direction of the Spirit, inhaling the purity of that within. The transformations that are not yet complete, have been difficult for many to endure for those that aren’t quite ready; aren’t quite strong. Despite guided by those of the light, […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Importance Of Your Soul Vibration
by Karla How exactly can you remove those hidden attachments that hold you back? If they go about unnoticed many times during the course of your life, is it unavoidable to keep them for perhaps another eternity? Not really. There is always a solution at hand, and this one is simpler than you think, yet […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: Lagged Effect of Previous Cosmic Experiences
by Karla After the collective of people who decided to boost evolution by well-planned means, there was no way back to how things were before. The decision was made, and no one would really know how the outcome would unfold. From natural laws of evolution, the synthetic paradigms were created and played by the means […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: False Identity Disorder
by Karla The most difficult aspect of possession at the DNA level is the changes that, throughout our lives, we can experiment in the form of radical ideas, dramatic swings in personality and even physical changes that reflect a certain incompatibility with our original template. This is not the case for everyone at the most […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Infected DNA Problem
By Karla Our physical DNA is far more complex than what we might think. If you were to dissect it and translate the information it contains into images, it would probably not be too different as to what a medium can do while attempting to tap into the Akashic records. The difference is simply that […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Great Squabble
by Karla “Sometimes my eyes appear of different color when I take pictures of myself. It happens randomly. Even when I was a teenager people would tell me that I had very beautiful eyes, of a color that is not my natural color, and they were convinced of what they saw.” That is what an […]
Triumph through Adversity
A recent message of hope from Num’Shala, through Nine’s Path contributor Veronica Gonzalez. Message: “Children of the most High, there is Triumph through Adversity. You are understanding the intense priorities of life itself. You are slowly coming into the reality of your hidden potentials. Of the warriors you are within. You, my dear ones, are […]
Temmerian Sexuality (a short conversation with Asket)
by Lan Apona Asket: ”You have wanted to know about the sexuality of Temmers for a long time. I must apologize you had to be kept out of that knowledge because you had to grow through your own steps of understanding and recover memories of your own in a particular order. Now you know more. […]
Who is Num’Shala?
by Veronica At such a pivotal moment I have come across such important information. Upon waking up this morning, I had the sudden urge to look through one of my old dream journals. I came across a channeled message from the first time I came in contact with the energy, Num’Shala, back in August of […]
From Draco to the Pleiades, with Love
by Karla A long time ago… It was so long ago, that we first crossed paths. We were somewhat similar to your cats and your reptiles, but we were larger, more humanoid looking, and more evolved. However, there was fear in our eyes. We had to see at some point that we were not so […]
Changes Among Us
A channeled message through Veronica from Num’Shala. Greater than the rift that has been set beside you, along the coastal planes there shall be such a design of tremendous change. For the antiquities of yesterday will be the so-called advancements of tomorrow. The light shone from within will rise in such a way that blindness […]
Zero point from a metaphysical and psychological combined perspective
by Karla An almost physical visitation A few weeks ago, I had a nightly visitation by two soulmates. I was fully anchored here, and wide awake. It was not possible for me to see them, but they moved my body to let me know they were there by my side and I heard them speak. […]
A New Divine Signal
by Veronica A channeled message from Num’Shala from the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. She is said to be one of the chosen ones aiding in peace and cooperation. Message: It is a joyous time for us as we are now able to assist you and your planet. Are you beginning to feel the shift? The […]
Highest levels of empathy confused for hypersensitivity
by Karla The origins of hypersensitivity How many people in this world identify themselves as empaths? In one way or another every single individual holds the capacity to be an empath, independently of their set of beliefs, soul age, the way in which they exert their spirituality, or in which way they are connected to […]
This is why we have limited intervention rights
by Lan Apona This is a message from Asket of the Pleiadian Group. We have always stated that our desire is not to shape the future of the planetary humanity in a way that serves our understanding of a bright future. We have been present in the periphery of the events that have been unfolding […]
The Portal
by Lan Apona She stood before me, the stars in her eyes dancing with mine, silently delivering a message that I understood but didn’t want to accept. “You are not telling me you want to incarnate on Earth again, are you?” I asked. She was wearing a black skintight costume like the ones we used […]
Failure of the Empaths
by Lan Apona By now, it is probably a well known fact that the realm is going through a substantial change towards a higher vibration. This includes the introduction of a new type of a human being that would be better aligned with its divinity and more connected to others. This is an agreement that […]
by Veronica A message of awakening from our Pleiadian family with love. Through awakening, you are not only expanding your minds, you are peeling away, layer by layer, of your old 3D Self. Each layer becomes less and less painful as you become more aware of the Truth that lies within the archives of your […]
The Cosmic Shift So Far and Our Future on Earth and the Universe
by Karla Conscious remembrance of what once was an ancient myth If you have payed close attention to the ancient myths and the illustrations that have accompanied such stories, you might have noticed the presence of beings that have shaped our collective path. Our understanding of such beings has shifted dramatically during the last decades. […]
Oneness and Egohood: The Other Side of the Coin
by Karla Broken Egohood As a child, perhaps you tried to create a drawing to impress your parents. Then, you faced a certain form of neglectfulness. You saw your parents being distracted enough with all kinds of responsibilities you would not understand as to pay attention to your newly created masterpiece. A little older you […]
As above so as (not) below
by Lan Apona “As above so below” I will start this message with a bit of a disclaimer, because I am going to disagree with the statement. And yet, it is still true when it comes to a particular context. Chances are, you have probably heard of a place called Heaven and you know about […]
Reflections on Opalescence
by Veronica Reflections on the book “Opalescence, The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity“ “….isn’t there a lesson in pain?” Indeed there is, but not one you learn by holding on to pain. You must let go of the pain for the lesson to be integrated. (pg. 207, or new edition pg. 248) “Mastery is achieved […]
Life within the star system of Alcyone
by Karla The Vast Pleiadian Cluster Within the star codes of humanity, the light of the Pleiadian cluster shines like a multicolored gem. Little is recalled of the trajectory of the Cosmic human within the large cluster, but plenty are the expressions on Earth of what once was built in such corner of Cosmos. Alcyonians […]
The Keys of the God-Self: Third and Fourth Keys
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys Disappointment. Distraction. These two factors could block us from progressing further in our path towards finding ourselves, not just as precious jewels of Creation embodied in a human body, […]
Of Angels and Demons
by Lan Apona Greetings, dear ones. Today I am going to tell you a short story. It is my own way of getting to understand Maryann’s message titled “Speak with Love, Demons are Listening”. The angel fought with the fury of Heaven, her wings beating violently the toxic air. The theater of war brought her […]
The Keys of the God-Self: Second Key
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys The Second Key: Letting go is the road to Inner Peace In the previous part of this essay, the first key and the nature of dreams were expounded. As […]
We can hear you!
by Veronica. Through the stillness of meditation they spoke to me. A message from the Pleiadians of Love and Hope. From out of what seems to be a “state of unconsciousness”, comes the Dawn of a New Era. We have now emereged from our old ways, into our newly altered state of being. “But wait, […]
The Keys of the God-Self: First Key
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys The First Key: Natural cosmic process of reintegration of the soul essence known as soul retrieval Soul retrieval holds the first key to manifestation of better dreams, better experiences, […]
by Veronica A Message from the League of Light “Through the eyes of Nine we were made with perfection. We were created from a state of being so pure and flawless, that there are no words to describe it. In the beginning, authoritative energetic vibrations of light created beautiful souls distinct in their own way. […]
The Keys of the God-Self: Introduction
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys “For those who seek peace in times of unprecedented destruction and transformation.” By the end of 2015, I decided to let go and let God. When the apparent decisions […]
Harmonizing the collective energies
by Karla How do we go about harmonizing the collective energies of Earth during times of distress? A Look Back: Origins A very long time ago, before we reached the point in the collective evolution of Cosmos where we stand, we were born of the basic elements, both in physical form and in spiritual form. […]
Regarding Maryann’s Book, “Opalescence”
by Veronica How many of you have a “favorite” read? A book that you feel, has changed your life? As for me, that is Maryann’s book, Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity. Now, I will explain in the near future in detail, why or how this came about, but for now I wanted to […]
Pleiadians call to “Be Still”
Note from Maryann: The League of Light whispered some information to Veronica, for her to share. I trust her discernment and see/feel this message is in alignment with those others that you have seen on Nine’s Path. A message from our Pleiadian family, through meditative state: “Through many lifetimes we have existed and have seen […]
The Road to Shasta: Exploring Lemuria
by Veronica In life, it doesn’t matter what road you take, as long as that road leads to Love and wisdom. And no matter what, you will always be drawn to that connection, and it to you. In mysterious ways, the spiritual realm will find a way to let us know, not only where we […]
The Unknown Visitors
by Veronica On a new path to somewhere unknown, lies a nerve-racking, yet intriguing feeling. It is that same feeling that will either keep you from achieving your soul mission, or have you go beyond your wildest comprehensions. On July 29, 2018, I had an extremely vivid dream in which I felt, was a warning […]
Life through Multidimensional Transitions
From the start, the journey may seem complex. We must rely on ourselves for the Divine truth of where we’re from and where we are going. I present to you an insight into the understanding of connecting and reaching the powerful State of Nine. Multidimensional Transitions: Past, Present, Future We are here (Earth) beginning with […]
Of Angels and Pleiadians
by Lan Apona Angels and Pleiadians The Angelic and Pleiadian human races are two of the most popular among the spiritual communities, so one might wonder about their similarities and differences. It was recently announced that the League of Light is working closely with angelic and elemental allies who see a common purpose in assisting […]
Meet Our Writers
Karla Damarelya Segura is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management. Through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.
Lan Apona
Lan has an ancient warrior soul that eventually decided to serve the sword no more, dedicating eons to studies in the Earth school of hard knocks. Often times, he can be found helping people discover more about themselves and who they are beyond the thin veil of oblivion.
My name is Veronica and I’m a wife and mother of two. Through Dream State, I have found and hold as Truth, that all questions will be answered as we shed a different part of our “old self”, and begin to remember again.
If you’d like to write for Nine’s Path, please drop me a line via the contact form.
Contributors portal
Special collections from Nine’s Path contributors.
Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Keys to the God-Self
by Karla
The Keys of the God-Self: Introduction
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys “For those who seek peace in times of unprecedented destruction and transformation.” By the end of 2015, I decided to let go and let God. When the apparent decisions […]
The Keys of the God-Self: First Key
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys The First Key: Natural cosmic process of reintegration of the soul essence known as soul retrieval Soul retrieval holds the first key to manifestation of better dreams, better experiences, […]
The Keys of the God-Self: Second Key
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys The Second Key: Letting go is the road to Inner Peace In the previous part of this essay, the first key and the nature of dreams were expounded. As […]
The Keys of the God-Self: Third and Fourth Keys
by Karla Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind Read more about the Divine Dreams of the Timeless Mind: Introduction First Key Second Key Third and Fourth Keys Disappointment. Distraction. These two factors could block us from progressing further in our path towards finding ourselves, not just as precious jewels of Creation embodied in a human body, […]
The Body-Snatching Problem
by Karla
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Great Squabble
by Karla “Sometimes my eyes appear of different color when I take pictures of myself. It happens randomly. Even when I was a teenager people would tell me that I had very beautiful eyes, of a color that is not my natural color, and they were convinced of what they saw.” That is what an […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Infected DNA Problem
By Karla Our physical DNA is far more complex than what we might think. If you were to dissect it and translate the information it contains into images, it would probably not be too different as to what a medium can do while attempting to tap into the Akashic records. The difference is simply that […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: False Identity Disorder
by Karla The most difficult aspect of possession at the DNA level is the changes that, throughout our lives, we can experiment in the form of radical ideas, dramatic swings in personality and even physical changes that reflect a certain incompatibility with our original template. This is not the case for everyone at the most […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: Lagged Effect of Previous Cosmic Experiences
by Karla After the collective of people who decided to boost evolution by well-planned means, there was no way back to how things were before. The decision was made, and no one would really know how the outcome would unfold. From natural laws of evolution, the synthetic paradigms were created and played by the means […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: The Importance Of Your Soul Vibration
by Karla How exactly can you remove those hidden attachments that hold you back? If they go about unnoticed many times during the course of your life, is it unavoidable to keep them for perhaps another eternity? Not really. There is always a solution at hand, and this one is simpler than you think, yet […]
The Body-Snatching Problem: Redefining Your Entanglement
by Karla Entangled we are all, in one way or another in our hearts and in our souls. Our inner world is very complex and more is the world of ideas. There are too many downsides to our new age of awakening. There is a good reason why some people say that the Age of […]
Transmissions from Num’Shala
through Veronica Gonzalez
A New Divine Signal
by Veronica A channeled message from Num’Shala from the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. She is said to be one of the chosen ones aiding in peace and cooperation. Message: It is a joyous time for us as we are now able to assist you and your planet. Are you beginning to feel the shift? The […]
Changes Among Us
A channeled message through Veronica from Num’Shala. Greater than the rift that has been set beside you, along the coastal planes there shall be such a design of tremendous change. For the antiquities of yesterday will be the so-called advancements of tomorrow. The light shone from within will rise in such a way that blindness […]
Who is Num’Shala?
by Veronica At such a pivotal moment I have come across such important information. Upon waking up this morning, I had the sudden urge to look through one of my old dream journals. I came across a channeled message from the first time I came in contact with the energy, Num’Shala, back in August of […]
Triumph through Adversity
A recent message of hope from Num’Shala, through Nine’s Path contributor Veronica Gonzalez. Message: “Children of the most High, there is Triumph through Adversity. You are understanding the intense priorities of life itself. You are slowly coming into the reality of your hidden potentials. Of the warriors you are within. You, my dear ones, are […]
Forward and Inward
by Veronica A channeled message from Num’Shala Message: “And so we move forth in the direction of the Spirit, inhaling the purity of that within. The transformations that are not yet complete, have been difficult for many to endure for those that aren’t quite ready; aren’t quite strong. Despite guided by those of the light, […]
Perception and Deception
A channeled message from Num’Shala “Brothers and sisters, we will be as candid about the coming truths as we possibly can. PERCEPTION!!!!!! Well…our perception is shifting; has shifted. How can you tell you ask? You cannot. In subtlety things will come. These changes are quite vigorous, and we do not want to cause you any […]
Hope in Despair
A message of Hope and Love. Num’Shala speaks: “It is with great pleasure that I come forth today, to bring you news of hope. The time has come for our intercession. This is a time we never anticipated, but our aching hearts are eager to assist. This time of great turmoil on your planet has […]
Meet Our Writers
Karla Damarelya Segura is an artist, healer and researcher in the area of natural resource management. Through a combination of disciplines she finds the inspiration to write about some of our ancient and modern individual and collective dilemmas, problems and lessons.
Lan Apona
Lan has an ancient warrior soul that eventually decided to serve the sword no more, dedicating eons to studies in the Earth school of hard knocks. Often times, he can be found helping people discover more about themselves and who they are beyond the thin veil of oblivion.
My name is Veronica and I’m a wife and mother of two. Through Dream State, I have found and hold as Truth, that all questions will be answered as we shed a different part of our “old self”, and begin to remember again.
If you’d like to write for Nine’s Path, please drop me a line via the contact form.
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